The disposal of low and intermediate-level nuclear waste is safe on Olkiluoto island
The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority has reviewed the safety assessment of Teollisuuden Voima Oyj’s final disposal facility. Based on the review, the disposal of low and intermediate-level waste into the disposal facility is safe and the operation of the disposal facility can be continued until the end of 2051 in accordance with the current permit.
The use of Teollisuuden Voima’s (TVO) Olkiluoto nuclear power plants generates low and intermediate-level waste, which will be disposed of in a disposal facility built in the bedrock of the power plant area. The disposal facility is also used for storing and disposing of radioactive waste under the responsibility of the state, and generated by industry, medical care, and research. This disposal is implemented to the extent that it does not jeopardize the safety of disposal of waste resulting from the operations of the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant.
The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) reviews the safety assessment of the disposal facility at least every 15 years. In late 2021, TVO submitted the safety assessment for the disposal facility and the supporting materials to STUK. Based on the review, STUK concludes that TVO has adequate procedures in its disposal operations for the types of waste currently disposed of, and that it is possible to continue the operations of the disposal facility in a safe manner.
"The underground rooms currently in use at the disposal facility were commissioned by decision of the Finnish Government in 1992. Since then, we have regularly reviewed the conditions for the safe operation of the facility. The safety assessment has not revealed any shortcomings or defects that would pose a radiation hazard to people or the environment, now or in the future,” says Senior Inspector Ari Luukkonen from STUK.
Storage of low and intermediate-level waste in Finland until the 22nd century
The current operating license of the disposal facility was granted by the Finnish Government in 2012. Based on the operating license, TVO is authorised to operate the disposal facility until the end of 2051. As a result of the operations and decommissioning of power plant units, i.e. reactors, and the spent nuclear fuel encapsulation plant, low and intermediate-level waste will be disposed of in Olkiluoto until the first decades of the 22nd century. STUK will later separately review the safety of the final disposal solutions of the second half of the 21st century.
The objective of the periodic safety assessment is to regularly assess the safety of current and future solutions for the disposal of low and intermediate-level waste. The starting point of the safety assessment is to protect people, society and future generations from the harmful effects of radiation.
Background of the disposal of low, intermediate and high-level waste
A disposal facility, also known as the low and intermediate waste repository (VLJ cave), has been excavated about one hundred metres deep in the bedrock of the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant area. Low and intermediate-level waste generated during the operation of nuclear power plants is disposed of in the VLJ cave. In addition, low and intermediate-level nuclear waste that will emerge later during the decommissioning of the nuclear power plants is to be disposed of into the cave. No high-level waste will be disposed of in the VLJ cave. The licensee of the disposal facility is Teollisuuden Voima (TVO).
High-level waste is mainly spent nuclear fuel, and for its disposal, Posiva Oy is building a separate disposal facility, Onkalo, in the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant area.
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Säteilyturvakeskus (STUK) on säteily- ja ydinturvallisuutta valvova viranomainen. Tehtävämme on ihmisten, yhteiskunnan, ympäristön ja tulevien sukupolvien suojelu säteilyn haitallisilta vaikutuksilta. STUKissa oli vuoden 2023 alussa yhteensä 320 työntekijää. Strålsäkerhetscentralen (STUK) är en myndighet som övervakar strål- och kärnsäkerheten. Vårt uppdrag är att skydda människorna, samhället, miljön och de framtida generationerna för strålningens skadliga konsekvenser. I början av 2023 hade STUK sammanlagt 320 anställda. Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) supervises radiation and nuclear safety in Finland. Our mission is to protect people, society, the environment and future generations from the detrimental effects of radiation. At the beginning of 2023 STUK had 320 employees.
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