The published conclusion report summarises keynotes and debates of the 2024 Helsinki Chemicals Forum
After two years of postponed conferences around the world, the Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF) launches a global hybrid event that takes place in Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre 8 – 9 June 2022 with five discussion topics towards a safer and more sustainable future. The full programme is now published and the registration is open for live and online participants.
The leading conference for promoting global chemical safety, Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF), brought 25 top speakers to the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on 10–11 April 2024 for debating international chemicals safety. Three keynotes and five panel debates on selected topics essential for a safer and more sustainable future are now summarised in a comprehensive Conclusion Report.
Nearly 150 international delegates attended the Helsinki Chemicals Forum 2024 in person, and an additional 80 participated online, with representatives from over 50 countries. The international Programme Committee selected the topics for the three keynote speeches and five discussion panels hosted by UNEP, EU, ECHA, OECD, and Chemical Watch.
The HCF Conclusion Report aims to provide a balanced and accessible summary of two days of discussions. Like previous reports, it serves as a valuable reference for policymakers, companies, academics, and other stakeholders interested in chemical safety, says Geert Dancet, Secretary General of HCF.
Three keynote speeches
The report summarises the insights from Director Kristin Schreiber of DG GROW on why the current Commission had to postpone the REACH revision and how likely it is that the new Commission will pick up the draft proposal prepared by the services.
The Executive Director of ECHA, Sharon McGuinness explained the gradual enlargement of the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA’s mandate over the past years and the new legislative tasks the agency is expecting to receive over the coming years when further legislative proposals are adopted.
The ICCM-5 President, Anita Breyer from the German Environment Ministry, presented the most novel and promising aspects of the new Global Framework for Chemicals which will be implemented by UNEP.
Five panel debates
1. Impact of the new UN Framework on Chemicals on global supply chains
This session was hosted by Jacqueline Alvarez, Chief of the Chemicals & Health Branch, Economy Division, UNEP. The panel discussed whether the new Global Framework for Chemicals will help global supply chains to fully manage chemicals safely during their product lifecycle and highlighted how one company, Apple, has achieved that and is ready to share its tools with the industry.
2. Substitution planning under revised REACH
The second panel, moderated by Otto Linher, Senior Expert at DG Growth, European Commission, examined how substitution planning can create regulatory certainty, encourage investments in safer alternatives and expedite the replacement of the most harmful chemicals. The panel considered whether sector substitution plans could become an essential tool to simplify restriction decisions under a revised REACH.
3. Learning from international changes in chemicals legislation
The third panel discussion, led by Mercedes Viñas, Director of Submissions and Interaction, ECHA, focused on learning from changes in chemicals legislation in the US, Canada, Australia, and Japan. The session aimed to understand the potential attractions these changes could bring to the upcoming REACH revision.
4. Economic instruments to enhance chemicals management
The fourth panel, hosted by Eeva Leinala, Principal Administrator for chemical safety and biosafety at OECD, delved into the potential of economic instruments to enhance chemicals management. The panel agreed that these instruments could be complementary tools to make regulatory actions more effective.
5. Transition Pathways for Sustainability
The final panel, chaired by Leigh Stringer, Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight, discussed whether Transition Pathways for Sustainability are effectively demonstrating how industrial sectors can meet both the EU’s chemicals and industrial strategies. The discussion highlighted what makes these pathways attractive to industry stakeholders but perhaps less so to NGOs.
The Conclusion Report, prepared by independent intelligence and insight provider Chemical Watch, aims to be a balanced and accessible reflection of two days of debate and to reach a wider audience. For those seeking a full understanding, the recordings of the conference can still be viewed over the coming months for the reduced price of 100 euros plus VAT.
HCF 2024 was organised alongside ChemBio Finland, the exhibition and event for the chemistry and biotechnology professionals in the Nordic Countries and Baltic regions.
The non-profit Helsinki Chemicals Forum is organised by the Chemicals Forum Association in co-operation with its many Finnish and international partners that form part of the HCF Advisory Board.
The HCF2024 Conclusion Report | LinkedIn Photos for free use: Mediabank HCF
For contact: Geert Dancet, Secretary General,, Anu-Eveliina Mattila, Communications Manager, tel.: +358 50 555 6183,
Anu-Eveliina Mattilaviestinnän asiantuntija
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