Medicortex Finland Plc signed a 1.4 million dollars research grant contract with the U.S. Department of Defense
Medicortex Finland Plc, a biotechnology company dedicated to improving the diagnostics and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), announces that the United States Department of Defense (“DoD”) has awarded the company a research grant of about 1.4 million dollars for its project plan to develop a rapid test for detection of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussion using saliva.
The grant provides funding for the development of a biochemical test for detection of TBI and concussion. Underdiagnosis of brain injury is a global medical issue, hence the project will address the urgent need to rapidly and reliably diagnose mild TBI and concussion. The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) through the Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health Research Program.
The project is titled “Point-of-injury diagnosis of traumatic brain injury using saliva” and the plan for 18 months aims at developing a new test strip capable of detecting brain injury biomarkers in saliva, allowing for non-invasive testing of TBI. The project is commencing in June 2024.
The plan went through a stringent qualification process comprising full scientific and programmatic review at DoD. Medicortex has previously had two DoD-funded projects; in one of them novel brain injury biomarkers were characterized in patient samples, and the second ongoing project aims at developing a urine test for TBI detection. The new third project serves as a continuum of the previous projects by incorporating the biomarker towards practical diagnostic use in a different body fluid sample.
Dr. Adrian Harel, CEO of Medicortex says: “To my knowledge, we are the only company in Finland that has ever received three consecutive grants from the U.S. DoD - we are very proud and privileged to be selected for such an important grant.”
Dr. Harel adds: “Medicortex is an outstanding company. We are tackling a global problem through developing diagnostics for head injury. We have been successful in the very difficult space of translating an idea through research to the clinic stage.”
The company has accomplished three clinical studies and received funding from institutions such as U.S. Department of Defense, Business Finland, European Union, ELY-center as well as from 280 investors.
“The company has benefited from strong board leadership and very professional team combined with a strong group of consultants working together with the management to successfully meet the milestones”, Dr. Harel concludes.
Forward-looking statements
Certain statements in this communication are forward-looking statements. They are based on the views of the company’s management, as well as the understanding and assumptions of the company’s management based on the information available at present, and due to this, they may be forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors, which may result in that the company’s actual future results, operations, achievements and performance of the sector may differ significantly from the expectations conveyed in these statements. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of the company’s operational or financial performance in the future.
Acknowledgement and about the grant
The work is supported by The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs endorsed by the Department of Defense, in the amount of $1,395,898, through the Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health Research Program - Translational Research Award, under Award No. HT94252410618. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions and recommendations are those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs or the Department of Defense.
Adrian Harel, CEO
Tel: +358 400 488 817
About Medicortex Finland Oyj
Medicortex Finland Oyj is a biotechnology company dedicated to improving the diagnostics and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Its current focus is on developing biomarker diagnostics to detect brain injury easily. The company has technology to capture biomarkers from urine and saliva and capability to develop an affordable diagnostic tool to detect biomarkers. Company's second goal is to develop new compounds to serve as drug candidates to halt progression of brain injury and reduce the secondary degeneration. Medicortex was founded by an experienced Neurobiologist Adrian Harel (PhD, MBA) and the company is based in Turku, Finland.
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