The Helsinki International Boat Show and the John Nurminen Foundation join forces in a collaborative effort to save the Baltic Sea
The largest boating event in the Nordics, Vene Båt, annually highlights responsibility and the valuable work being done to protect the environment, particularly the seas and inland waters. At next year's boat show in February, the event's partner, the John Nurminen Foundation, will showcase its work and goals. The Helsinki International Boat Show, Vene 25 Båt, will take place from February 7th to 16th, 2025, at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre.
The Boat Show annually provides visibility to a sustainability partner, and next year, the John Nurminen Foundation will take on that role. Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre aims to support Finnish business and is particularly committed to engaging in responsible practices.
The John Nurminen Foundation is one of the most significant foundations in the Baltic Sea region. The foundation carries out concrete work to preserve the Baltic Sea and ensures that the stories of the sea are passed down to future generations. In its marine environmental efforts, the foundation focuses on improving the condition of the Baltic Sea by reducing the burden on the sea and addressing environmental issues such as eutrophication and biodiversity loss.
"John Nurminen Foundation's mission and work are incredibly valuable and important for all of us. Together, we achieve the best results, and each of us can impact the state of the environment through our choices. We want to highlight this message at the Boat Show as well", says Jussi Kivikari, Business Manager for the Vene Båt Show.
"The Boat Show is an excellent place to meet people who are interested in the sea and to highlight its significance, as well as the importance of protecting it. The sea is protected from land, but we also have much to share about what lies beneath the surface – how it looks underwater, the stories that shipwrecks on the seabed reveal, or how the sea has changed on maps over the centuries", says Johanna Suni, Communications Manager at the John Nurminen Foundation.
The Baltic Sea needs everyone's help
The Baltic Sea's problems become particularly evident in the summer. Eutrophication is the greatest threat to the Baltic Sea and is also the primary cause of biodiversity loss. If sufficient attention is not given to protecting the seas, the spread of blue-green algal blooms, murky water, and the disappearance of species will continue to increase. The John Nurminen Foundation's work is primarily funded through donations, and everyone can help the Baltic Sea by donating to the foundation and acting responsibly in their daily lives. More information about donations and the foundation's work can be found at
Cooperation with the John Nurminen Foundation is part of the responsibility work carried out by Helsinki Fair Center in its events. Messukeskus does long-term work in the fields of economic, social and environmental responsibility. In 2023, Messukeskus brought an income stream of 187 million euros to the capital region, and the employment effect of trade fair operations was 2,535 person-years. The environmental system ISO 14001 was certified in 2009 as the first Finnish event organizer. The goal is to be carbon neutral in 2030. Responsibility is a central part of Messukeskus' strategy, which states that it is above all actions.
Helsinki International Boat Show in February
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre will host the Nordic region's largest boating event, the Helsinki International Boat Show Vene 25 Båt, from February 7–16, 2025, on behalf of the Finnish Marine Industries Federation Finnboat. #johnnurmisensäätiö @johnnurmisensaatio #venemessut
For more information: Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Communications Manager Teija Armanto, tel. +358 50 376 0804,, John Nurminen Foundation, Communications Manager Johanna Suni, tel. +358 40 515 4216,
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