Reputation & Trust Analysis: Gofore’s reputation again 3rd best of Finnish listed companies
Gofore’s reputation as a listed company is Finland’s third best in Finnish private investors’ opinion for the second year in a row and number one in digitalization companies. Behind the good reputation are consistent work, a credible strategy, transparent reporting and approachable investor relations.
Gofore held its third place of last year in the ranking of the most trusted Finnish listed companies. Number one was Ponsse and number two Kone, who both also held top positions a year ago.
The overall reputation scores Gofore got from investors, 3.97, improved somewhat from the good level of 2023.
”We are very happy and proud of our placement on the top of the reputation survey. Thanks to investors once again for your vote of confidence! Building a reputation is a long-term job, built with e.g. credible strategy, good employer actions in our human-centric line of business, and a big commitment to transparency as a listed company. We continue to strive to lead our industry by example and to build our own genuine brand,” Gofore’s CEO Mikael Nylund comments.
Gofore invests in open, easy to approach investor relations and an active rapport, and has with its example of monthly financial reporting inspired other listed companies to follow suit. When the company’s net sales and essential employee-related figures are public monthly, is forecasting the execution of the company’s growth strategy easy to predict.
The Trust & Reputation survey reveals that listed companies’ reputation is on a good level on average, but the overall reputation has declined for the third year in a row. The average reputation score for listed companies’ reputation was 3.52 this year, whereas in the 2021 survey the average reputation rating was 3.60. On a general level, private investors’ views of listed company management capabilities and financial standing have suffered the most. Investors rated Marimekko’s Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko as the best CEO.
The survey made by T-Media in cooperation with the Finnish Shareholders Association and the Finnish Association for Share Promotion surveyed the Finnish retail investors’ views of 80 listed companies. The survey was taken by 7,958 private investors on a national scale.
Mikael NylundCEOGofore Oyj
Tel:+358 40 540 2280mikael.nylund@gofore.comAlternative languages
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