
Kela selects Gofore as partner for implementation of single benefit application model


Kela is working on a single benefit application model in accordance with the time frame set in the Government Programme. Through a competitive tendering process, Kela has selected Gofore Oyj as its partner for the implementation. The aim of the single benefit application service is that the customer can apply for several benefits using a single application form.

Kela will implement the single benefit application model using off-the-shelf software. The procurement process began in spring 2024, and from the tenders submitted, Kela selected Gofore Oyj as a partner. The procurement was arranged as a competitive dialogue.

The concept of a single benefit application model is included in Petteri Orpo’s Government Programme. In practice, the model means that customers will be able to apply for several different benefits using a single application form.

“The single benefit application model is an important step forward in the development of even more accessible and customer-oriented services,” says Sari Hänninen, Director for Nationwide Customer Service at Kela.

“Our goal is to launch a single benefit application service by summer 2025, initially for the use of unemployment benefit applicants. From the start, the service will also include a check of the applicants’ need for housing allowance,” says Miikka Saarteinen, Programme Director at Kela.

The service is to be gradually expanded to cover other benefits. The aim of the single benefit application service is that the customer can apply for several benefits at the same time.

The application process will draw on customer information in Kela’s systems and on information obtained from other authorities. The customer will only be asked for essential information that Kela cannot get from any other source.

The development of a single benefit application model is included in Eepos, Kela’s strategic development programme.

Additional information

Programme Director Miikka Saarteinen, Kela. Submit interview requests to Kela’s Communications:

Kela's service number for media inquiries (Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 16:00), tel. 020 634 7745


Kela has a responsibility to provide basic support in life’s ups and downs to everyone covered by the Finnish social security system.

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