The pricing model of parking is changing – the aim is to match demand with supply
At the beginning of December 2024, Helsinki is transferring to a new pricing model for parking. Going forward, the price is determined by the demand and supply. The purpose is to make it easier to find a parking spot. The pricing model applies to all parking types, and the prices will be determined according to an annual calculation of the utilisation rate of parking spots. Next year, the prices will remain the same with the exception of Katajanokka’s residential zone D and Suomenlinna’s residential zone DC.
New price will be based on calculations
The utilisation rate of parking spots is determined by calculating the relationship between available and reserved spots. Calculations for business and zone parking are carried out during the day, resident parking during the night. The calculations carried out in May of this year concluded that the general situation is good and that there is no need to increase prices with the exception of Katajanokka’s resident zone D and Suomenlinna’s resident zone DC. The calculations will continue to be carried out in the spring, before the summer holiday season.
When determining the price of resident parking, the results of the calculation will be compared with the volume of permits. This refers to the relationship between the number of claimed resident parking permits compared to the total number of the area’s resident parking permit spots.
For example, on 14 May 2024, there were 771 resident parking permits claimed for zone D in Katajanokka, and the area had a total of 796 parking spots. This makes the permit volume 0.97. In the calculation carried out on the night between 13 and 14 May, 726 parking spots were in use, 37 were empty and 33 were out of use. This results in a utilisation rate of 95.15 per cent.
This means that the price for resident parking in Katajanokka’s zone D and Suomenlinna’s zone DC will increase by 7.5 per cent, making the new monthly price EUR 64.5 (low-emission vehicles EUR 48.4, including value added tax). The new prices will become valid on 1 December, and they have been updated in the online shop.
The pricing model is one of the measures in the new parking policy
The new pricing model is based on the parking policy adopted by the Helsinki City Board. The purpose of the renewal is to make the use of parking spots more efficient in the long term and shorten the time of finding a parking spot. The pricing for parking can also impact the use of the urban space as well as the efficiency and quality of maintenance.
Juha Hietanen
Traffic engineer
City of Helsinki
+358 40334 2234
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