Proventia Group Oyj

Changes in Proventia Group Corporation’s Management Team: General Counsel Sanna Raatikainen and Product Manager, Batteries, Jari Granath appointed as members of the Management Team


Proventia Group has appointed General Counsel Sanna Raatikainen (LL.M with court training) and Product Manager, Batteries, Jari Granath (M.Sc. Eng.) as members of the Management Team, effective September 1, 2024.

Sanna Raatikainen and Jari Granath become members of Proventia Management Team
Sanna Raatikainen and Jari Granath become members of Proventia Management Team

Sanna Raatikainen was appointed as Proventia Group Oyj’s General Counsel in May 2024. Before joining Proventia, she worked as a Legal Counsel and General Counsel at PKC Group Plc for over 20 years. Jari Granath has worked at Proventia in various roles since 2011, most recently as the Product Manager of Proventia Batteries for the past five years. Both Sanna and Jari will report to CEO Jari Lotvonen.

The composition of Proventia's Management Team as of September 1, 2024 is:

  • Jari Lotvonen, CEO
  • Tommi Aarnio, CFO
  • Kaisu Kivioja, kehitysjohtaja, Director, Development HR & ICT
  • Sanna Raatikainen, General Counsel
  • Petri Saari, Vice President, Proventia Emission Control & Sales
  • Arno Amberla, Director, Technology
  • Tomi Palovaara, Director, Operations
  • Aaro Heilala, Director, Proventia Thermal Components
  • Jari Granath, Product Manager, Proventia Batteries
  • Jani Mäntylä, Director, Proventia Test Solutions




Sanna Raatikainen and Jari Granath become members of Proventia Management Team
Sanna Raatikainen and Jari Granath become members of Proventia Management Team

Proventia Group is a technology company operating in global markets. Proventia develops and manufactures systems and components that reduce the emissions of off-road machines and improve their energy efficiency and modular test centers for the development and testing of batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. The company's customers include the leading global names in the non-road machinery vehicle and battery industry. Proventia takes people, the environment, and future generations into account in all of its operations, with zero emissions being the company's vision.  
The company employs approximately 200 industry professionals in Finland, the Czech Republic, and the UK.

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Proventia Group Oyj:n puolivuosikatsaus tammi-kesäkuu 202430.8.2024 09:00:00 EEST | Tiedote

Odotuksia hitaampi kasvu sekä testausliiketoiminnan rakennemuutos näkyivät liikevaihdossa ja kannattavuudessa Huhti-kesäkuu 2024 lyhyesti Konsernin liikevaihto laski 6,3 % edellisvuodesta 13,3 miljoonaan euroon (14,2 miljoonaa euroa) Liikevoitto oli 1,4 miljoonaa euroa (1,8 miljoonaa euroa) Kauden tulos oli 1,1 miljoonaa euroa (1,4 miljoonaa euroa) Osakekohtainen tulos (laimentamaton) oli 0,07 (0,09) Tammi-kesäkuu 2024 lyhyesti Konsernin liikevaihto laski 12,3 % edellisvuodesta 24,3 miljoonaan euroon (27,7 miljoonaa euroa) Liikevoitto oli 1,7 miljoonaa euroa (2,6 miljoonaa euroa) Kauden tulos oli 1,2 miljoonaa euroa (2,1 miljoonaa euroa) Osakekohtainen tulos (laimentamaton) oli 0,07 (0,13) Konsernin henkilöstön määrä kesäkuun lopussa oli 213 (203) Suluissa olevat luvut viittaavat edellisvuoden vastaavaan kauteen.

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Slower-than-expected growth and structural change in the Test Solutions business were reflected in net sales and profitability April–June 2024 in brief The Group’s net sales decreased by 6.3% from the previous year to EUR 13.3 (14.2) million. Operating profit was EUR 1.4 (1.8) million. Profit for the period was EUR 1.1 (1.4) million. Earnings per share (undiluted) were EUR 0.07 (0.09). January–June 2024 in brief The Group’s net sales decreased by 12.3% from the previous year to EUR 24.3 (27.7) million. Operating profit was EUR 1.7 (2.6) million. Profit for the period was EUR 1.2 (2.1) million. Earnings per share (undiluted) were 0.07 (0.13). The group had 213 (203) employees at the end of June. The figures in brackets refer to the same period in the previous year.

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