New Board elected to Hanken
The University Collegium of Hanken School of Economics has in its meeting on 24 October 2024, elected a new Board for Hanken. The term of office for the new Board is 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2027.
Internal members
The internal members are nominated and elected among the Hanken faculty and staff. The following persons have been elected as internal members in the new Board:
Kenneth Högholm, Professor in finance
Topi Miettinen, Professor in economics
Mikko Vesa, Assistant Professor in management and organisation
Viveka Ekholm, Quality Assurance Co-ordinator
Student members
The Student Union elects two representatives to the Board. For the new Board, the students appointed are:
Ville Ruokonen
Onni-Mithra Ingus
External members
The external members are elected by the University Collegium based on a suggestion by an election committee. The following persons were elected external members to the Hanken Board:
Malin Arve, Vice Rector, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Patrick Lapveteläinen, Chair of the Board, Mandatum
Heidi Schauman, Global Head of Research, Danske Bank
Christoph Vitzthum, President & CEO, Fazer Group
The Board is the highest decision-making body at Hanken. It consists of 10 members; of whom four represent the faculty and staff at Hanken, four are external and two represent the students. The Board appoints one of the external members as chair and one as vice-chair.
Marlene GünsbergSenior Communications Specialist
Tel:040 3521212marlene.gunsberg@hanken.fiAbout
Hanken School of Economics is a leading, internationally accredited university with over a hundred years of experience in education and research in economics and business administration. The research is of a high standard and constitutes the foundation of all teaching. Hanken has close ties to the business community and an active alumni network with over 13 000 alumni in 65 countries worldwide.
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