Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala

Mannerheimintie construction site is progressing – working areas to be moved to the other side of the street on 13 December


The second phase of the Mannerheimintie renovation project has been underway since September, and the work is making good progress. Half of the new water pipes and sewers and 70% of the tram rails have already been installed. The working areas and driving lanes will change place on Friday, 13 December.

Installation of tram rails in November.
Installation of tram rails in November.

As work will now be carried out on the other side of the street, the properties on that side will also be exposed to more noise from the construction site. The demolition work and rock excavation for new pipelines will inevitably cause noise. The excavation is estimated to last until spring in the entire area. 

Changes to traffic arrangements

The most significant change is that the working areas will be moved to the other side of the street, and the driving lanes will move to where work has been carried out until now. The changes in traffic arrangements will come into effect on Friday, 13 December.

A reduced speed limit of 30 km/h will still be in force throughout the renovation area.  Speed displays have been installed next to pedestrian crossings.

  • Mannerheimintie cannot be accessed by car from Linnankoskenkatu and Humalistonkatu and vice versa for the duration of the work.
  • The side streets that are now closed will remain closed.
  • The Kisahalli bus stop will be moved back to the vicinity of Kisahalli.
  • Work on the Reijolankatu junction will continue. The lane arrangements will change when the construction of the water pipes and sewers at the junction will be completed.

The number of driving lanes will not change

It is possible to drive through the Mannerheimintie construction site throughout the renovation, but alternative routes should be considered if possible. One lane in each direction will be available for motor vehicles during the renovation, but traffic may be congested. After the renovation, the driving lanes will be available as before.

Work to be continued throughout the winter

Work will be continued at the Mannerheimintie construction site throughout the winter.

“In the winter, we will build water supply and other technology underground. Paving work such as asphalt and stone work will continue in the spring,” says Project Manager Antti-Juhani Lehtinen from the City of Helsinki.

Renovation progressing on schedule

At the beginning of December, the second phase of the Mannerheimintie street renovation project has been carried out for three months. The work has made good progress.

“Approximately half of the water pipes and sewers of the second phase and as much as 70% of the new tram rails have been installed. However, the length of the winter will determine when we will be able to continue paving work such as stone work in the spring,” Lehtinen adds.

The renovation of Mannerheimintie is progressing on schedule, and the entire renovation project is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. The first phase of the project was completed in autumn 2024, and the second phase started right after it.

Renovation of Mannerheimintie, phase 2, work status on 30 November 2024

Work phase      Completion percentage
Water supply 50
Installed tram rails 70
Pavings 8
Asphalt 22
Casing pipes 10
Side streets  
Paavo Nurmen tie and Helsingin puistikko 80
Toivonkatu 70
Sallinkatu 80
Savilankatu 80
Ruusankatu 80




Renovation in general:
Antti-Juhani Lehtinen
Project Manager, project development
Urban Environment Division
tel. +358 9 3103 8872

Matters concerning the implementation of work:
Main contractor VM Suomalainen Oy
Ville Piironen
Site Manager
tel. +358 50 572 2143

Issues related to traffic arrangements:
Mikael Saarinen
Project Manager
Ramudden Oy
tel. +358 44 755 2020


Installation of tram rails in November.
Installation of tram rails in November.
Map of the traffic arrangements.
Map of the traffic arrangements.

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