Digital Workforce and Atostek convert and transfer Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County’s legacy data to Kela's Kanta archive
Digital Workforce and Atostek convert and transfer Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County’s specialized medical care legacy data to Kela's Kanta archive. The project extracting data from the county’s old Esko client and patient information system, is delivered by 2M-IT as a SaaS service and produced by Digital Workforce and Atostek.
2M-IT integrated Digital Workforce and Atostek’s Kanta transfer service into its offerings earlier this spring, providing it to its customers: the Southwest Finland, Satakunta, Ostrobothnia, and Kanta-Häme Wellbeing Services Counties. The project, currently starting in Ostrobothnia, is the first data migration project to be carried out under 2M-IT's subcontract agreement.
"It is important to the Wellbeing Services Counties that all data stored in their old systems is transferred quickly and accurately to Kela's archive. Migrating legacy data eliminates both the system and its associated costs. We are pleased to be able to rely on experienced partners who will help us deliver an agile high-quality data transfer. We expect similar projects to increase in the near future, driven by cost-saving objectives," says Jari Nevalainen, CEO of 2M-IT.
"Our collaboration with Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County, Atostek and 2M-IT has gone exceptionally well, and look forward to starting the new migration project. The service, developed together with Atostek, is based on software robotics and cloud technology. It is an efficient and source system-independent solution, through which we have already transferred almost two million legacy social- and healthcare documents to Kanta archive," says Jussi Vasama, CEO of Digital Workforce.
"The data transfer project starting in the Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County is our first project procured through a subcontract with 2M-IT. We are delighted that 2M-IT's client organizations have quickly adopted the service, and that - as a leading specialist in Kanta migrations - we get to help more Wellbeing Services Counties complete their data transfers,”states Miika Parvio, ERA-service Business Director of Atostek.
For more information:
Marja Heikkinen, Key Account Manager, Digital Workforce
About Digital Workforce Services Plc
Digital Workforce Services Plc is a leader in business automation and technology solutions. Its Outsmart platform and services, including Enterprise AI Agent solutions, empower organizations to transform knowledge work, reduce costs, accelerate digitalization, enhance customer experiences, and strengthen their competitive edge. Over 200 large international organizations rely on the company’s services to drive transformation through automation. Digital Workforce has particular expertise in automating healthcare and social care pathways, advancing long-term condition follow-up, improving patient safety, and enhancing the productivity of healthcare professionals. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce employs over 200 business automation specialists across the US, UK & Ireland, and Northern and Central Europe. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.
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