Matka Travel Fair 2025 starts next week
Matka Travel Fair 2025 will bring together nearly over 800 exhibitors, thousands of travel professionals and visitors looking for new experiences. The fair will again feature destinations and operators from all over the world. Matka Travel Fair will take place from 16 to 19 January 2025 at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre. Thursday 16 January is the Professional’s Day.
A warm and international atmosphere is tangible in Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre next week as Matka Travel Fair starts, and thousands of international professionals and exhibitors from nearly 70 countries will arrive at Northern Europe’s largest travel and tourism event.
One example of a first timer at the fair is Northern Norway, which has gained interest in Finland due to improved flight connections. Interest in general for South and East Asia is on the rise again, with countries such as China, Japan, Malaysia (Sarawak), Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand present at the fair. Egypt is making a comeback, and Africa in general will have a strong presence with Gambia, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania in the frontline.
Southern European countries will be prominently featured, highlighting their cultural and activity-focused themes, including Spain, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Experts on destinations such as Cuba and the United States will also be available at the friendship societies’ stands.
"I highly recommend exploring stands that specialise in specific destinations or travel types. Exhibitors representing various entities and destinations can also be found at travel agency stands, such as experts on Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands at Aktiv-Resor's stand or other travel agency stands," says Noora Haatainen, Business Manager of Matka Travel Fair.
In the Finnish domestic travel celebrates many anniversaries such as the 700th anniversary of the Kemitön and the 250th anniversary of Kuopio, while Oulu prepares to become European Capital of Culture 2026. North Karelia, which had a strong presence at last year’s fair, will again be prominently offering taste and cultural experiences as its stand.
Scene programme and topical discussions also available in English
Matkatieto seminars hosted by the Finnish Travel Industry Association offer expert insights in English for industry professionals on Thursday and Friday. Topics like travel accessibility, managing travel flows, business travel reporting and seasonality in travel will be discussed.
Well-being, culture, experiences, and a festive atmosphere
Trips to cultural events and concerts are on the rise. Friday night will be spent in the festival spirit as the firs-ever Matka Festival brings fun, tasty treats, raffles and prizes to Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre – with live music by Finnish artist Karri Koira.
In the Experience Zone, participation will be available in the highly popular Paints and Wine workshop, where abstract works of art depicting dream holiday destinations can be painted with acrylic paints. Traditional Japanese yukata can be tried, and origami folding explored, in the Kimono and Origami workshops during the public days.
The trendy destinations for activity travellers are known for combining hobbies, sun holidays, yoga retreats, and nature excursions that promote peace of mind. During the public fair days, heart rates can be raised with yoga or dance sessions in the Matka Wellness Zone. Destinations highlighting local traditions, flavours, art, and architecture – in Finland and around the world – will also be showcased for culturally curious visitors.
Family Sunday is like an expedition into the cultures of the world
The Matka Travel Fair offers families the opportunity to explore different cultures and destinations with a low threshold. Children will have their own area full of fun activities, including face painting, bingo, treasure hunt, a mascot parade and a taste of the world’s flavours.
The Matka Travel Fair programme will be updated on the event’s revamped website. The programme engine now makes it easy to choose your favourites and plan your visit to the fair. English speaking program is available on the Professional’s Day and on Friday the 17 Jan.
Matka Travel Fair, the largest travel event in Northern Europe, will be held 16-19 January 2025 at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre. The international travel buying event Matka Workshop Day opens Matka Travel Fair on 15 January 2025, Thursday 16 January is the Professional Day. Helsinki Caravan Fair will take place 17-19 January 2025.
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Messukeskus - Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for a wide variety of occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congresses and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel. The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. |
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