DNA to provide KONE with wireless network services
The three-year contract concluded between DNA and KONE includes WLAN deliveries as a full service. The contract covers design, installation and maintenance.
“We are constantly seeking ways to work smarter and do things better. Providing an easy-to-use, reliable and secure wireless network for our employees and people visiting our offices worldwide is a natural part of this goal,” says Antti Koskelin, CIO at KONE.
“The role of WLAN in corporate network solutions is increasingly significant. A recent telecommunications industry review report* states that up to 75 per cent of fixed network connections are used through WLAN. We deliver solutions like this to international companies like KONE in cooperation with our strong partner network on a turnkey principle,” says Hannu Rokka, Senior Vice President, DNA Corporate Business.
More information:
Hannu Rokka, Senior Vice President, Corporate Business, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 044 8888, hannu.rokka@dna.fi
Jukka Oksanen, Head of Connectivity, KONE Corporation, tel. +358 20 475 4735, jukka.oksanen@kone.com
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi
KONE Communications, tel. +358 204 75 4330, media@kone.com
*Source: Balance Consulting & VALOR: Telecommunications industry in Finland and the Nordic countries in 2017. Strategic industry review report.
DNA Plc is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland’s largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both cable and terrestrial networks. For DNA, the key area for growth in corporate business is the new way of working, independent of time and place, facilitated by smart terminal devices, diverse communications services and rapid connections. In 2015, DNA’s net sales were EUR 828.8 million and the operating profit was EUR 73.1 million. DNA has more than 3.8 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland’s largest retail chain selling mobile phones. For more information, visit www.dna.fi or follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi, @DNA_Business and @DNA_Palvelu and Facebook.
At KONE, our mission is to improve the flow of urban life. As a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry, KONE provides elevators, escalators and automatic building doors, as well as solutions for maintenance and modernization to add value to buildings throughout their life cycle. Through more effective People Flow®, we make people's journeys safe, convenient and reliable, in taller, smarter buildings. In 2015, KONE had annual net sales of EUR 8.6 billion, and at the end of the year close to 50,000 employees. KONE class B shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. in Finland. www.kone.com
About DNA Oyj
DNA on yksi Suomen johtavista tietoliikenneyhtiöistä. Tehtävämme yhteiskunnassa on yhdistää tärkeimmät. Tarjoamme yhteydet, palvelut ja laitteet koteihin sekä töihin ja pidämme näin huolta yhteiskunnan digitalisaatiosta. DNA:n asiakkaat ovat jo vuosien ajan olleet mobiilidatan käyttömäärissä maailman kärkijoukossa. DNA:lla on noin 3,7 miljoonaa matkaviestin- ja kiinteän verkon liittymäasiakkuutta. Yhtiö on palkittu lukuisia kertoja erinomaisena työnantajana ja perheystävällisenä työpaikkana. Vuonna 2023 liikevaihtomme oli 1 067 miljoonaa euroa ja yhtiössä työskentelee noin 1 700 henkilöä ympäri Suomea. DNA on osa Telenoria, joka on Pohjoismaiden johtava tietoliikenneyhtiö. Lisätietoa osoitteessa www.dna.fi, X:ssä @DNA_fi, Facebookissa @DNA.fi ja LinkedInissä @DNA-Oyj.
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