A kilometre-long art wall to catch the eye in Hernesaari
This colourful wall will be one of the first things seen by the 440,000 annual cruise-ship passengers arriving in Helsinki via the cruise quay that will be moved to Hernesaari next year. In addition, Hernesaari is a popular leisure destination especially in the summer, so the wall will become a familiar sight to thousands of local residents.
Helsinki 24h, an expedition to Helsinki
In spring 2017, the City of Helsinki and Aalto University organised a design competition for the art wall, open to students of graphic design. First prize went to Armi Teva and Miia Puustinen, whose Helsinki 24h comprises 24 illustrations depicting Helsinki from morning till night. Each of the illustrations represents one hour of the day, taking you through suburban shopping centres, downtown streets, and everyday life in Helsinki.
They also portray interesting places outside the tourist areas, ones that a visitor might otherwise miss. Helsinki residents may spot new perspectives on their hometown while recognising the familiar market spaces, slushy mornings, and summer night memories. In the future, Helsinki 24h will greet the growing Hernesaari suburb and those strolling along its waterfront.
‘The Helsinki 24h art wall is a fine way to kick off the Hernesaari urban development project. The art wall will lead cruise passengers to the city and offer surprising views along the residents’ seaside route. Those interested can peek through the holes along the wall to see how the construction work is coming along,’ says Outi Säntti, the project director responsible for urban development in Helsinki’s West Harbour area.
Official opening on Helsinki Day, 12 June
The official unveiling of the Helsinki 24h art wall will be held as part of the Helsinki Day celebrations at Cafe Birgitta on 12 June. The event will be open to everyone. The opening ceremony will include music, for instance, and the artists will tell about the places and people featured in the images on the wall. In addition, there will be a panel discussion about the development of marine Helsinki and Hernesaari. For more information about the opening ceremony, please visit http://www.helsinkipaiva.fi/tapahtuma/hernesaaren-taideaidan-avajaiset/ (only in Finnish).
Homes for over 7,000 people in Hernesaari
The construction of a new residential area in Hernesaari begins this year with the demolition of warehouse halls. The wall will separate the demolition and construction site from the street and the waterfront area. Hernesaari will become an active residential and leisure area and a travel destination. Homes will be built for 7,500 residents, mainly in blocks of flats. In the future, Hernesaari will offer 4,000 jobs, the cruise quay, and versatile travel and leisure services.
The existing buildings will be demolished, apart from the grain silos, the Munkkisaari industrial building, and the Ford factory building. Also the public sauna Löyly and Cafe Birgitta will remain in Hernesaari. The bulk of the construction work will take place in the 2020s.
Information officer Tero Lahti, tel: +3589 310 36376, e-mail: tero.j.lahti(at)hel.fi
About Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunginkanslia
The Helsinki City Executive Office is a department subordinate to the City Board. It functions as a planning, preparation and executive body for the City Council, City Board and the Mayors.
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