Digital Workforce Services Oyj

Digital Workforce Propels Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust’s Intelligent Automation Transformation Programme in Maternity to Win Renowned HSJ Digital Award


Press release 27 June, 2023

Digital Workforce Propels Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust’s Intelligent Automation Transformation Programme in Maternity to Win Renowned HSJ Digital Award

Digital Workforce, a leading provider of Primary and Clinical Intelligent Automation and Patient Journey Orchestration solutions, is proud to announce that Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, in partnership with Digital Workforce Services Plc and PSTG Ltd, has won the prestigious 'Improving back-office efficiencies through digital' HSJ Digital Award for their revolutionary Intelligent Automation Transformation Programme in Maternity.

The HSJ Digital Awards recognize outstanding contributions towards healthcare services, and winning this national award demonstrates the exceptional drive of the team to innovate, build impactful solutions, and take on an instrumental role in transforming healthcare delivery. Winners from 19 categories were announced during the ceremony in Manchester on June 22, hosted by comedian and author Mark Watson, celebrating the achievements of 162 shortlisted finalists from across 120 individual Trusts and organizations.

The solution automates maternity appointments, referrals, alerts, and record management processes, reducing the time it takes pregnant women to receive an appointment date from 6-8 weeks to just 48 hours.

"This beautifully presented entry highlighted the delivery of an effective solution to an important issue. The judges felt that it is clear how much of an impact this model had on maximizing clinical time for staff, and they recognize the knock-on patient benefits from this. This model is easily scalable, and the clear development plan impressed the panel" - HSJ Digital Awards 2023 Panel of Judges.

"Winning this award is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team and partners who have worked tirelessly to transform maternity services," said Leon Stafford, Head of UK & Ireland for Digital Workforce. "We look forward to presenting this model to other organizations and building new impactful and groundbreaking solutions with PSTG and Portsmouth. This is significant national recognition for Digital Workforce, which has pioneered in building innovative automation solutions for Primary and Clinical automations in the UK since 2019."

Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust has been working with Digital Workforce and PSTG to transform healthcare for over three years. The Trust has always been highly innovative and was a finalist at the HSJ Awards 2021 for the Emergency Ambulance Transfers solution, also with Digital Workforce and PSTG.

Digital Workforce congratulates all the finalists and commends their commitment to innovating healthcare services for patients and staff.

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About Digital Workforce Services Plc

Digital Workforce Services Plc is a leading business process automation services and technology solution provider globally. Digital Workforce Outsmart services and technology solution suite allow organizations to save costs, accelerate digitalization, increase revenue, improve customer experience, and gain competitive advantage. Globally, over 200 large customers use Digital Workforce’s services and technologies to transform their businesses with automation. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce currently employs over 200 business automation specialists in the US, the UK, Ireland, Poland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Digital Workforce is publicly listed in Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.


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