Medicortex Finland Oyj

Medicortex Finland was granted a European patent related to the diagnostics of COVID-19 in saliva


Medicortex Finland Plc, a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the development of diagnostics and drug for mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), was granted a European patent for COVID-19 diagnostics development. This patent protects Medicortex’s unique detection method of SARS-CoV-2 based on carbohydrates.

Medicortex’s COVID-19 diagnostics patent “Method for Determining Coronavirus and Kit for the Same” was granted in the European Union (EP patent No. 3911956). The patent allows testing of the carbohydrates specific to SARS-CoV-2 for their detection of the virus on surfaces and in saliva of patients. This is a unique approach since the current detection method is using antibodies against the protein components of the virus.

Once again, Medicortex has received confirmation of its strength in patent protecting the innovations and new technologies it has developed in-house by its experienced research team.

Dr. Harel, CEO of Medicortex: “Corona is not over nor did it disappear. We must consider steps to be taken to address a future global epidemic that may possibly come back due to a mutated corona virus. Our invention will overcome this problem of repeated mutation and virus changes challenging the diagnostics and treatment.”



Medicortex Finland Oyj is a biotechnology company dedicated to improving the diagnostics and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Its current focus is on developing biomarker diagnostics to detect brain injury easily. The company has technology to capture biomarkers from urine and saliva and capability to develop an affordable diagnostic tool to detect biomarkers. Company's second goal is to develop new compounds to serve as drug candidates to halt progression of brain injury and reduce the secondary degeneration. Medicortex was founded by an Israeli Neurobiologist Adrian Harel (PhD, MBA) and the company is based in Turku, Finland.

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