
A solo entrepreneur does not need to be alone


World Mental Health Day is happening again on 10 October 2023 with the theme Mental health is a universal human right. Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service and Yrittäjän Kriisikeskus want to remind solo entrepreneurs in particular that they have the right to receive help and that mental health is an essential part of a company's success.

A solo entrepreneur is the most important asset of their company. It is important that every entrepreneur looks after their own strength and mental health early on. Help is available.

Most entrepreneurs are solo entrepreneurs

Solo entrepreneurs often face successes and difficulties alone. A sudden crisis in life or financial difficulties must be overcome alone and the work must continue regardless. "At the moment, solo entrepreneurs are concerned about their own strength, decreasing amount of customers and rising costs. Many of the solo entrepreneurs who have called us feel that they are always working and that reconciliating leisure and work is challenging,” says Virve Lähdesmäki from the Yrittäjän kriisikeskus. 

Solo entrepreneurs make up 73% of Finnish entrepreneurs (Statistics Finland 4/2023). According to the Finnish Entrepreneurs' survey for solo entrepreneurs (2022), solo entrepreneurs work long hours, it is difficult for them to take family leave and if they become ill, it is difficult to get a replacement. Among other things, these factors may lead to a situation where the solo entrepreneur is exhausted and, as a result, the company's success is at stake.

Help is available easily and free of charge

Support and guidance through conversation is easily available over the phone. The Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service offers entrepreneurs assistance in financial matters, and Yrittäjän kriisikeskus gives guidance during life changes, when your resources are running low or when you wish to improve your well-being. When worries weigh you down, you don’t have to bear that burden alone.

Customers have been satisfied with both services and also recommend them to others. In 2023, the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service received a rating of 4.4/5 from its customers. "Almost 70% of the customers who gave feedback gave the service a full 5," says Jari Leskinen, Development Manager of the TE Customer Service Centre. 

“Entrepreneurs who have sought help from us recommend our service. According to the feedback we received, the entrepreneurs felt that their own optimism about the future increased significantly after contacting us,” Virve Lähdesmäki says. 

  • “I called when my business was in a bit of a mess. It was great to spar with someone who knew how to ask the right questions and, based on that, get a different perspective on the situation” - A customer of the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service
  • “The conversation helped to strengthen my own thoughts and feelings. I have never shared things with an outsider before and it was a relief to get emotional support for the situation. It gives you strength when you realise that you are not alone by yourself nor with your thoughts” - A Customer of the Yrittäjän kriisikeskus

How to contact the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service and Yrittäjän kriisikeskus

  • The Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service:



Virve Lähdesmäki
Yrittäjän kriisikeskus
Project Manager
tel. +358 44 493 1764

Jari Leskinen
Development Manager
Yrittäjän talousapu/TE Customer Service Centre
tel. +358 40 5933 157


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