Tasavallan presidentin kanslia

President of the Republic of Finland to be inaugurated on 1 March 2024


Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Parliamentary Office
Press release 7/2024
15 February 2024

The inauguration of the President of the Republic of Finland will take place in Helsinki on Friday 1 March 2024.

President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö and president-elect Alexander Stubb will leave the Presidential Palace together. As they arrive at the Parliament Building, President Niinistö will inspect the Guard of Honour before they attend Parliament's plenary session.

Incumbent President Sauli Niinistö will address Parliament at the plenary session, and Jussi Halla-aho, Speaker of Parliament, will respond.

President-elect Alexander Stubb will then make the solemn affirmation laid down in section 56 of the Constitution of Finland. Following this, Speaker of Parliament Halla-aho will convey Parliament's greetings to the new President of the Republic of Finland, who will in turn address Parliament.

After the plenary session, the Presidents will exit the Parliament Building, and President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb will inspect the Guard of Honour.

The Presidents will then return to the Presidential Palace, where they and their spouses will greet the public from the Palace balcony.

At the Presidential Palace, the Diplomatic Corps, the Government, representatives of the highest state bodies and the most senior public officials will take leave of President Sauli Niinistö, before greeting President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb. The address of the Diplomatic Corps will be delivered by its Dean, Ambassador of Croatia Josip Buljević, and Prime Minister Petteri Orpo will make a speech on behalf of the Government.

The public can watch the Presidents inspecting the Guard of Honour from Mannerheimintie in front of the Parliament Building at 11.50 and around 13.00. Spectators can also watch from the Market Square as the presidential couples greet the public from the Presidential Palace balcony at around 13.10. 

A Book of Congratulations for the inaugurated President will be open for the public to sign at the Main Guard Post from 12.30 to 17.00 on Friday 1 March (Mariankatu 1) and at the Presidential Palace from 10.00 to 16.00 on Saturday 2 March (Mariankatu 2).

The inauguration of the President will be broadcast live on Yle TV1, Yle Fem and Yle Areena.

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