Kempower and Polarium to boost DC fast charging solutions with cutting-edge energy storage support
Polarium, a leading energy storage developer, and Kempower, a pioneering company specializing in rapid DC charging solutions, are proud to announce a partnership to boost EV fast charging solutions with cutting-edge energy storage support. This collaboration aims to address the pressing need for enhanced EV charging capabilities, particularly for larger vehicles, constrained by current grid limitations across Europe.

Polarium, a leading energy storage developer, and Kempower, a pioneering company specializing in rapid DC charging solutions, are proud to announce a partnership to boost EV fast charging solutions with cutting-edge energy storage support. This collaboration aims to address the pressing need for enhanced EV charging capabilities, particularly for larger vehicles, constrained by current grid limitations across Europe.
With the rapid rise in the number of electric vehicles, the demand for efficient charging solutions has never been more urgent. However, existing grid constraints pose significant challenges to meet this demand. This partnership aims to bridge this gap by integrating Polarium Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) with Kempower’s charging solutions, providing reliable and sustainable power distribution while minimizing peak loads and optimizing energy consumption.
Through Polarium's cutting-edge energy storage technology, Kempower's chargers will be empowered to accommodate multiple electric vehicles seamlessly without requiring costly grid upgrades. This ensures faster charging times of more and larger vehicles, such as trucks and public transportation, while maintaining equal power distribution across all units, preventing peak loads that result in higher demand charges.
“Partnering with Kempower aligns perfectly with Polarium's mission to unlock endless energy. By merging our expertise in BESS with Kempower's innovative charging infrastructure, we're positioned to overcome Europe's grid limitations. Through this collaboration, we're integrating cutting-edge energy storage solutions into EV charging infrastructure, ensuring Kempower's customers receives optimal charging experiences,” says Håkan Tezcanli, Key Account Manager at Polarium.
“No matter the route or distance, power supply is key when making DC fast charging a reality, especially for trucks. With Polarium's support, we can ensure that our charging infrastructure meets current and future energy demands, supporting the roll-out of EVs as constant connectivity is crucial for everything to run smoothly. In simple terms, without energy storage support, the grids are not strong enough to handle the high-power charging needs,” says Jussi Vanhanen, Chief Market Officer at Kempower.
This collaboration marks a significant step towards creating the world's most desired EV fast charging solutions, positioned to transform transportation across Europe.
Kempower and Polarium will be showcasing their latest innovations at KEY - The Energy Transition Expo, taking place from February 28th to March 1st, 2024, in Rimini, Italy.
Further information:
Jussi Vanhanen, Chief Market Officer
+358 44 289 9744
Kempower Sales:
About Polarium:
Polarium is a leading energy storage developer. We make energy storage and optimization solutions built on lithium-ion battery technology for businesses within telecom, commercial, industrial and residential facilities across the world. Polarium was founded in 2015 on the conviction that safe, smart and sustainable energy storage solutions will be key to empower the transition to a truly, sustainable energy future. We are an impact business contributing to the sustainable energy transformation by enabling renewables, electrification and intermittent power supply. Our cutting-edge and easily adaptable modular battery technology enables us to be in the forefront of developing state-of-the-art sustainable energy storage and optimization solutions for today - and tomorrow. Polarium is a fast growing, profitable entrepreneurial company headquartered in Stockholm, with production in Mexico, South Africa and Vietnam, customers across the world from Ghana to Svalbard and ∼500 employees.
About Kempower:
We design and manufacture reliable and user-friendly DC fast-charging solutions for electric vehicles. Our vision is to create the world’s most desired EV charging solutions for everyone, everywhere. Our product development and production are based in Finland and in the U.S. with the majority of our materials and components sourced locally. We focus on all areas of e-mobility, from electric cars, trucks, and buses to machines and marine. Our modular and scalable charging system and world-class software are designed by EV drivers for EV drivers, enabling the best user experience for our customers around the world. Kempower is listed in the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.
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