Tasavallan presidentin kanslia

President Stubb to visit Eastern Finland


Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Press release 16/2024
22 March 2024

President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb and his spouse Suzanne Innes-Stubb will visit Niirala and Joensuu on Wednesday 27 March 2024.

The day will begin with a visit to the Tohmajärvi border guard station, where the presidential couple will be introduced to the activities of the North Karelia Border Guard District.

After visiting the border, the President and his spouse will meet with representatives of the City of Joensuu to discuss current issues in the region.

The next stop is a primary school in Joensuu. After a tour of the school, President Stubb will be interviewed by schoolchildren.

At the end of the visit, there will be a coffee stop at the Joensuu market square and the President will meet with the public at approximately 1:50 pm.

The visit to Eastern Finland is President Stubb’s first national trip.

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