
Finland and Bavaria Health Ministers to Kick Off Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024


The Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024, a premier event in the health innovation calendar, is set to commence with an opening by two distinguished figures in the health sector. Finland’s Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Sanni Grahn-Laasonen, and Bavaria’s Minister of Health, Judith Gerlach, will jointly inaugurate the event on Tuesday, May 21st, at 5:30 PM.

Summer Helsinki welcomes the international guests of the Radical Health Festival.
Summer Helsinki welcomes the international guests of the Radical Health Festival.

The ministers will each deliver a speech highlighting the festival’s theme and ambitions.

Following the opening words, Dr. Päivi Sillanaukee, Special Envoy, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland will moderate a thought-provoking discussion. The discussion will center around the theme "Welcoming Act: Why Deploying Prevention and Precision at Scale?"—a critical inquiry into the future of healthcare, emphasizing prevention and precision medicine. The discussion features experts including the Head of the Novartis Foundation Dr. Ann Aerts, Chief Translational Science Officer at Phenome Health Dr. Jennifer Lovejoy, CEO Gareth Prech from World Health Innovation Summit, and Prof. Kazuhiro Sakurada from RIKEN and Keio University.

The Radical Health Festival Helsinki is a beacon for health innovation, drawing together experts, policymakers, and enthusiasts from across Europe and beyond. The festival is a collective endeavor, supported by over 20 European contributors. Key partners such as the City of Helsinki, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Nightingale Health, and a myriad of influential organisations like the College of Health Information Management Executives (CHIME), The International Associations of National Health Institutes (IANPHI), and The European eHealth Multidisciplinary Stakeholder Platform EHTEL, have pledged continued collaboration for this year’s event.

This year, the festival also features an exclusive full-day program of site visits and high-level conversations for international ministerial delegations and selected participants, hosted by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The curated program by the ministry provides an excellent view of Finland’s leading digital health landscape and offers a unique opportunity to find inspiration and forge potential partnerships.

In its previous iteration, the Radical health Festival Helsinki attracted more than 1,000 participants, featuring over 150 speakers and 100 companies and organizations. This assembly of minds and institutions underscores the festival's pivotal role in fostering innovation and dialogue within the global health sector.

For further information about Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024 and updates on upcoming events, please visit the official website at

Photos of the 2023 edition can be accessed at:

Save the date: Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024, 21st–23rd May, at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messukeskus). | | #radicalhealth #healthcare

About the Organizing Partners of the Radical Health Festival Helsinki:

The Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messukeskus), with a legacy of promoting Finnish trade and industry through face-to-face events since 1919, joins forces with éditohealth, an international healthcare thought leadership and content creation agency, combining over a century of experience in promoting digital health and global health leadership conferences.


Pia Heikkurinen
Expert, Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund
Secretary General, Radical Health Festival Helsinki | +358 50 4651025

Sean Roberts
Strategic Relations Officer, éditohealth | +33 6 19 553 339

Tarja Gordienko
Communications Manager, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre | +358 50 5847262

Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Susanna Rekiranta, | +358 295 163 456


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Helsingin Messukeskus on Suomen elämyksellisin tapahtumakortteli ja vaikuttavin kohtaamismedia. Onnistuneet kohtaamiset jättävät vahvan muistijäljen ja tuottavat kiistatonta tulosta. Suomen suurin tapahtumajärjestäjä tuottaa laadukkaita tapahtumia sekä vuokraa tilojaan ja palvelujaan erilaisten tapahtumien areenaksi. Messukeskuksen itse tuottamia tapahtumia ovat mm. Habitare, Helsingin Kirjamessut, Educa, FinnBuild, Matkamessut ja Vene Båt. Vierastapahtumina Messukeskuksen tiloissa järjestetään mm. Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, Koiramessut sekä lukuisia kansainvälisiä kongresseja ja yritystapahtumia vuosittain. Tilat käsittävät 7 hallia, 40 muuntuvaa kokoustilaa, 21 ravintolaa ja oman tapahtumahotellin. Omistajayritys Suomen Messut Oyj perustettiin vuonna 1919. | Messukeskus. The real social media. | @messukeskus

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for various occasions/ for a wide variety of occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Nordic Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congress and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel.The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. |  Messukeskus. The real social media | @messukeskus 

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