Finnish Immigration Service introduces automated post-decision monitoring of startup entrepreneurs' permits
The Finnish Immigration Service will bring into use automated post-decision monitoring of startup entrepreneurs' residence permits on 24 April 2024. The purpose of post-decision monitoring is to verify that startup entrepreneurs still meet the permit requirements.
A residence permit for a startup entrepreneur can be granted to a person who establishes a startup company or owns a recently founded company that aims for growth. Before applying for the permit, the entrepreneur must first obtain a positive eligibility statement from Business Finland. The Finnish Immigration Service will conduct automated monitoring of startup entrepreneurs' residence permits that have entered into force on 1 January 2023 or later.
Post-decision monitoring focuses on the key requirements for the residence permit for startup entrepreneurs. One of the monitored parameters is whether the entrepreneur has moved to Finland.
“Post-decision monitoring is an important tool in ensuring internal security, preventing misuse of the permit system and preventing illegal entry into Finland and illegal residence here. Post-decision monitoring will also help us detect labour exploitation and human trafficking,” says Pauliina Helminen, Director of Permit and Nationality Unit.
The Finnish Immigration Service has carried out post-decision monitoring since 2017. Automated post-decision monitoring was used for the first time in the autumn of 2023 to help monitor students’ residence permits.
Media enquiries
- Press release 28 September 2023: Finnish Immigration Service introduces automatic post-decision monitoring of student residence permits
- Website: Post-decision monitoring of residence permits
Automation: Anna Cheung, Chief Digital Officer,, tel. 0295 433 018
Post-decision monitoring and withdrawal of residence permits: Pauliina Helminen, Director of Permit and Nationality Unit,, tel. 0295 433 059
Finnish Immigration Service
The Finnish Immigration Service is a decision-making organisation in matters related to immigration, asylum, refugee status and citizenship and maintains the reception system.
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