New direction in cybersecurity: Managed SASE (MSASE) solution enhances and simplifies enterprise security architecture
A new approach to SASE solutions alleviates resource challenges for IT and cybersecurity departments and modernises enterprise security architectures. MSASE by DNA is a managed cloud-based security platform through which all organisation's external network connections are routed. MSASE eliminates the need for organisations to build and maintain a technologically demanding secure connections infrastructure.

”A properly implemented SASE is currently one of the best weapons against constantly evolving security threats," says Juho Saarinen, Business Manager for DNA's business security services for corporate customers.
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) has risen to the forefront of modern corporate security solutions by offering a contemporary umbrella against threats. However, the barrier to adopting SASE has been substantial, as its deployment and maintenance require significant expertise and resources. In a Managed SASE (MSASE) model, SASE is outsourced to a service provider.
“The increase in remote and hybrid work, along with the widespread adoption of SaaS services, places new demands on security architecture. The SASE concept was developed to meet these modern business needs. MSASE makes the benefits of SASE accessible to a broader range of companies while alleviating the constant resource pressures on their IT teams,” says Saarinen.
Modern cybersecurity builds on identity
According to a forecast by research company Gartner, the SASE services market is expected to grow by an annual average of 29% per year over the next five years, with the global SASE market value reaching $25 billion by 2027. SASE is an identity-based security suite that combines networking and security features via cloud computing. Security solutions have long been moving towards identity-centric models.
“A reliable network serves merely as a foundational component; modern security solutions revolve around identity management and zero-trust thinking. SASE offers a scalable and flexible solution that can adapt to changes in a company's operating environment,” Saarinen explains.
DNA is the first provider in Finland to offer Managed SASE solutions with Netskope
Complex security requirements demand simplifying structures. Enterprises benefiting most from SASE adoption operate internationally, in highly regulated industries, or have extensive remote and hybrid work practices. DNA’s managed and monitored MSASE solution is designed to lower the deployment threshold.
“We see a shortage of high-level IT professionals in Finland, and few companies have the resources to build their own SASE architecture as they already have a large IT infrastructure to maintain. MSASE has transitioned from hype to everyday business operations, and, simultaneously, its cost has come down,” Saarinen says.
One size does not fit all, and the MSASE architecture is always tailored to specific company needs. DNA's partner for MSASE services is Netskope, which research company Gartner has ranked the world's most advanced provider of SSE services. Netskope offers DNA’s customers a functional solution that integrates seamlessly with DNA's other services.
Media inquiries:
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000,
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