Decisions on special permissions in Teno have been made based on section 40, subsection 2 of the River Teno fishing rules, taking into account the status of the salmon stock.
The ELY Centre for Lapland has issued decisions based on section 40, subsection 2 of the Teno fishing rules, taking into account the status of the salmon stock and using consideration. 15 permits were approved, and 12 permits were declined. The ELY Centre for Lapland considers the preservation of Sámi culture related to fishing to be very important, but the number of salmon they are allowed to catch must be very moderate due to the very weak status of salmon.
The ELY Centre for Lapland has issued decisions based on section 40, subsection 2 of the Teno fishing rules, taking into account the status of the salmon stock and using consideration. 15 permits were approved, and 12 permits were declined. Despite our requests, we did not receive sufficient information for all applications.
The approved applications allow the fishers to keep a maximum of 54 salmon that are less than 65 cm in length (in practice, fish weighing less than three kgs). The fishing gear may be used in accordance with the applications: either a dam, a stationary fishing net or a drift net, one at a time. The fishing period is mainly between 15 and 28 July 2024, but one type of gear may only be used on two days per week.
Fishing must be stopped as soon as the catch quota is exhausted.
Fishing surveillance shall be notified of the intended fishing days in advance and as soon as a salmon matching the requirements is caught. Fishing must be stopped as soon as the catch quota is exhausted.
The ELY Centre for Lapland considers the preservation of Sámi culture related to fishing to be very important, but the number of salmon they are allowed to catch must be very moderate due to the very weak status of salmon. The legislator has wished to secure the preservation of local traditional knowledge by providing an opportunity for small-scale traditional and educational salmon fishing that does not endanger salmon stocks, which is why the ELY Centre for Lapland has made the positive decisions in question.
According to the researchers of the Natural Resources Institute Finland, catching around 50 salmon will not endanger the Teno salmon populations. In the big picture, the reason for the decreasing number of salmon lies elsewhere.
No special permissions were granted for pole fishing, as pole fishing and, for example, traditional knowledge related to rowing fishing can also be transferred when pole fishing for other fish, which is permitted for local residents from 1 June to 20 August.
Kare Koivisto, Fisheries Specialist
Phone +358 400 211 898
Jermi Tertsunen, Head of Fisheries Management
Phone +358 295 038 423
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