Taaleri Kiinteistöt

Taaleri Real Estate strengthens its team


TAALERI REAL ESTATE          PRESS RELEASE          21 AUGUST 2024 AT 8:45 a.m. (EEST)

Taaleri Real Estate strengthens its team

Taaleri Real Estate is strengthening its team by hiring three new people. Tuomas Ahonen will start as a Head of Investments at the beginning of September. Ahonen has worked in the Nordic real estate investment sector for 15 years, specialising in transactions in the Nordic countries.

Previously, he has worked for Genesta Property Nordic and Catella, based both in Helsinki and Stockholm. For the last eight years, he has been responsible for transactions in Finland at Genesta.

“Tuomas has strong experience in transactions and deal sourcing. His knowledge supports our updated strategy and internationalisation,” says Mikko Krootila, Managing Director at Taaleri Real Estate.

Taaleri Real Estate has two new people, with Owen Zhang starting as an Analyst and Maria Aller as an Asset Manager.  Zhang previously worked for JLL Finland, and Aller is joining Taaleri from Innovestor.

“These new employees will complement our skilled team and support our growth as a Nordic real estate investor and fund manager. I warmly welcome Tuomas, Owen and Maria to our team.”

For further information, please contact:

Mikko Krootila, Managing Director, Taaleri Real Estate, +358 40 770 8958, mikko.krootila@taaleri.com

Taaleri Real Estate in brief

Taaleri Real Estate is a Nordic real estate investment and fund manager creating value for our investors by delivering consistent and sustainable returns through local expertise and deep sector knowledge. We manage a real estate portfolio of approximately EUR 700 million through our funds and separately managed accounts.

Taaleri Real Estate is part of Taaleri Group, a Nordic investment and asset manager that focuses on businesses with industrial-scale opportunities within bioindustry and renewable energy. We create value by combining extensive know-how, deep expertise, entrepreneurship and capital through both funds under management and direct investments. We have been a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2010, and we joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative in 2021.

Taaleri has EUR 2.6 bn of assets under management in its private equity funds and co-investments. The company has approximately 125 employees. Taaleri Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.


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