Jussi Merikanto appointed Managing Director of the Turku Music Festival Foundation
The Board of Directors of the Turku Music Festival Foundation has unanimously appointed opera singer Jussi Merikanto MMus as the new Managing Director of the Foundation.
The Board of Directors of the Turku Music Festival Foundation has unanimously appointed opera singer Jussi Merikanto MMus as the new Managing Director of the Foundation. The post is being vacated as the current Managing Director, Liisa Ketomäki, takes up the position of Managing Director of the Teosto Cultural Foundation as of the beginning of September. Merikanto will be taking up his appointment on 4 October, leaving his current position as Executive Director of the Organ Night and Aria festival in Espoo.
“We are pleased to have Jussi Merikanto as our new Managing Director to pursue our ambitious strategy with us. We had several highly qualified applicants, and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the recruitment process. The Board of Directors prioritised leadership experience and a wide range of competence in the selection process. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Managing Director Liisa Ketomäki for her excellent work over the past 12 years. She has led the Turku Music Festival to become a prominent classical music festival known for its high-quality events,” says Saara-Sofia Sirén, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Turku Music Festival Foundation.
“I am very excited about the opportunity to work at the Turku Music Festival, which is known for its high international calibre and diversity of experiences. I look forward to working with the top-notch festival team and numerous talented artists and partners. The Festival has enjoyed a successful run of development, and the wonderful partnerships established provide a firm foundation for aiming for the opportunities afforded by the new concert hall and the anniversary year. I intend to uphold the rich traditions of the Festival while introducing new, innovative approaches,” says Jussi Merikanto, commenting on his appointment.
Jussi Merikanto is an experienced arts management professional with extensive experience as a festival producer and cultural administrator. He graduated with a MMus degree from the opera programme at the Sibelius Academy and has created a distinguished career as an opera singer at the Finnish National Opera and major festivals. He has previously been Executive Director of the Organ Night & Aria festival in Espoo and Artistic Director of the Joroinen Music Days and of the Nurmes Christmas Music.
Further information and requests for interviews:
Saara-Sofia Sirén, 050 513 2051, saara-sofia.siren@eduskunta.fi
Jussi Merikanto, 040 595 0871, jussi.merikanto@urkuyofestival.fi
Saara-Sofia SirénTurun musiikkijuhlat
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