Renewal of Rikhardinkatu Library progressing and customers invited to participate in planning
Rikhardinkatu Library is the oldest building in the Nordic countries to be designed as a public library. The City of Helsinki is developing the library's services and will carry out a renovation of the premises during 2026–2027. The planning of the renewal is being carried out in close collaboration with city residents.
The primary focus of the renovation of Rikhardinkatu Library is on the modernisation of the premises to correspond to the needs of the library services of the future. The technical building services, such as pipes, electricity, heating and cooling, will be modernised to correspond to current regulations, in addition to which the premises will be made fully accessible.
“Originally opened in the 19th century, Rikhardinkatu Library is unique among the libraries of Helsinki and Finland as a whole. It is great to see this building is being renovated to better serve our customers. Everything will be done with due respect for the valuable architecture and unique atmosphere of the library,” says Chief Librarian Juha Kortesluoma.
The aim of the renewal is to make Rikhardinkatu Library into a spatially experiential and operationally appealing service for all city residents, cooperation partners and people visiting Helsinki. It is hoped that the renewal will also broaden the range of people using the library.
Reform planned together with customers
The planning of the renewal of Rikhardinkatu Library began in autumn 2023 with a Kerrokantasi survey aimed at collecting residents’ views. The responses to the survey served as the basis for the needs assessment of the library renewal, which was approved by the City of Helsinki’s Culture and Leisure Committee in March 2024.
Now, the preparation of the renewal continues together with customers under the direction of service design experts, with the City inviting the library’s customers, stakeholders, city residents and library staff to participate in the planning throughout autumn 2024. Information on needs and desires will be collected through interviews, workshops, surveys and observations, among other methods. This participatory approach will culminate in the preparation of planning guidelines, which will serve as the operational basis for the actual architectural planning.
On Tuesday 3 September from 17:00 to 19:00, the City will be holding an event open to everyone at Rikhardinkatu Library where residents will be able to share their wishes and ideas concerning the development of the library. After the event, Rikhardinkatu Library will collect visitors' views for two weeks via one of the walls of the library’s entrance lobby.
“We know that Rikhardinkatu Library is very dear to people, which is why I hope that as many people as possible will join us in planning the renewal,” Juha Kortesluoma says.
Schedule of the renewal
The needs assessment of the library renewal was approved by the City of Helsinki’s Culture and Leisure Committee in March 2024. The project and implementation planning will be carried out in 2024–2026, and the constructions are preliminarily estimated to begin in 2026. The aim is to be able to open the renewed library towards the end of 2027.
Juha KortesluomaChief LibrarianHelsingin kaupunginkirjasto
Tel:040 688 6008juha.kortesluoma@hel.fiImages
Helmet network (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries) consists of the city libraries of Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen, and Vantaa.
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