Open Call for the Oulu2026 European Capital of Culture programme begins
Oulu, together with 39 municipalities, will be the European Capital of Culture in 2026. Oulu2026 is now launching an open call, inviting local communities and individuals to contribute to the programme. The call, which runs until the end of August 2025, will see decisions on programme proposals made every four months.
The "We Are the Culture" call allows participants to propose their own events or other programmes to be part of the Capital of Culture year. Additionally, applicants can apply for grants to support the execution of their proposed programmes.
Applications should be submitted through the website and can be completed in Finnish, English, Swedish, Northern Sámi, Inari Sámi, and Skolt Sámi. Application guidelines are also available on the website in plain Finnish and Finnish Sign Language.
The evaluation of submissions will focus on factors such as the novelty of the programme, promotion of inclusivity, and accessibility. Applicants are responsible for the execution and communication of their proposed programmes.
Embracing the joy of residents' everyday lives and the wide Oulu2026 region
The call is open to all forms of culture and methods of implementation. Programmes can take place in traditional or entirely new venues within the Oulu2026 area, and events that are open to the public should take place in 2026.
Heli Metsäpelto, Oulu2026 Community Manager, encourages everyone to participate in the Capital of Culture year as a creator. According to Metsäpelto, culture is present in everyday life, though we might not always recognise it.
“Hobbyhorse races, knitting, car tuning, neighbourhood summer parties… The Oulu2026 programme allows people to share their interests, discover new ones, and even bring wild ideas to life. The encounters and experiences provided by this diverse programme will enhance the joy and well-being in our region,” adds Metsäpelto.
Targeted grants typically range from 500 to 2,000 euros to support programme implementation. Larger grants may be requested if justified by factors such as the programme’s duration or regional scope. Additionally, one or two larger-scale projects per application round may be awarded a 20,000-euro grant.
These targeted grants include funding from Svenska Kulturfonden for Swedish-language programming and a grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation for Sámi artists.
Those interested are invited to learn more about the programme call through various upcoming events. The first of these will be a residents’ evening organised by the City of Oulu on 4 September, from 17:30 to 18:30. The event will be held via Teams, and the participation link can be found on the webpage.
For more information and the application form, visit
Heli MetsäpeltoYhteisöpäällikkö / Oulu2026
Puh:044 703 7554heli.metsapelto@oulu2026.euKuvat
Cultural climate change starts in the north
Oulu is the European Capital of Culture in 2026. The Capital of Culture year will extend to 40 cities and municipalities in northern Finland. The aim is to achieve a lasting cultural climate change. This means a richer cultural life and significant transformations for the region. It brings together culture, art, and technology in surprising ways, creating encounters and fostering interaction. In 2026, the region will offer an inspiring and unprecedented array of European art and culture.
The European Capitals of Culture (ECoC) are the most visible form of the European Union’s cultural support. It highlights the importance of cities as centres of cultural life. The selected city will have the opportunity to develop its activities culturally, socially and economically. The year brings with it a wide range of positive activities, such as international guests to the tourism and business sector, projects aimed at improving cultural infrastructure, national and international seminars, cross-border cooperation and cultural events.
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Lue lisää julkaisijalta Oulun kulttuurisäätiö, Oulu2026
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Uutishuoneessa voit lukea tiedotteitamme ja muuta julkaisemaamme materiaalia. Löydät sieltä niin yhteyshenkilöidemme tiedot kuin vapaasti julkaistavissa olevia kuvia ja videoita. Uutishuoneessa voit nähdä myös sosiaalisen median sisältöjä. Kaikki tiedotepalvelussa julkaistu materiaali on vapaasti median käytettävissä.
Tutustu uutishuoneeseemme