Adele Sauros Quartet on Jazz Federation Tour in September
The saxophonist Adele Sauros' quartet will perform in seven locations across Finland from September 16th to 22nd. The band completed an extensive international album release tour in the spring of 2024, and their ensemble playing is at its highest level ever.
Adele Sauros Quartet was founded in 2012 and has performed at major jazz festivals in both Finland and the Nordic countries. Combining elements of Nordic and American jazz styles, the band embarks on the Finnish Jazz Federation tour to present material from their new album. The tour begins in Kotka on September 16th, followed by performances in Helsinki, Joensuu, Savonlinna, Riihimäki, Oulu, and Mäntsälä.
The quartet's fourth studio album, Your Special Loss, was released in March 2024 by the Spanish label Fresh Sound Records. The band's album release tours have extended beyond Finland to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Spain. The album consists of compositions by Adele Sauros, focusing on recovery and finding hope. The melodic and serious compositions draw influences from both Nordic and American jazz.
Saxophonist Adele Sauros is one of the most active jazz musicians and composers in Finland and Europe today. Sauros believes that music can change the world if it is made on one's own terms, as her quartet does. The band members are virtuosic jazz musicians with open minds and the courage to deviate from conventional patterns, embracing spontaneous improvisation.
Sauros and her band eagerly anticipate the September tour after their summer break from performances.
“We can’t wait for the tour, especially after the summer break when all our summer gigs had to be canceled due to my broken wrist,” says Sauros.
Adele Sauros Quartet
Adele Sauros – tenor and soprano saxophones
Toomas Keski-Säntti – piano
Vesa Ojaniemi – double bass
Tuomas Timonen – drums
Concert Venues and Dates
Mon 16.9. at 19:00 Kotka, Restaurant Kairo / East Coast Jazz Club, Kotka Jazz ry
Tue 17.9. at 19:00 Helsinki, Restaurant Harju 8
Wed 18.9. at 19:00 Joensuu, Pakkahuone / Jazzkerho -76
Thu 19.9. at 19:00 Savonlinna, Kulttuurikellari / Olavin Jazz ry
Fri 20.9. at 20:00 Riihimäki, Ö-talo (produced by Adele Sauros Quartet)
Sat 21.9. at 18:00 Oulu, Oulu Music Center, Tulindberg Hall / OMJ Jazz & Etno
Sun 22.9. at 18:00 Mäntsälä, Kulttuurimeijeri (produced by Adele Sauros Quartet)
Jazz – heard and seen!
Finnish Jazz Federation’s essential form of operation is national touring. The annual touring activities enable approximately 100 concerts in 40 different locations all over Finland. The concerts mainly take place in their member organizations. Tours include both in-house productions and collaborations with external producers.
Valtteri PokelaCommunications and Production CoordinatorSuomen Jazzliitto
Valtteri is responsible for our national touring productions, communications, training, and international schemes. In addition, he is our environmental coordinator and a member of our responsibility working group.
Information About The Publisher
Finnish Jazz Federation (Suomen Jazzliitto ry) is a Finnish advocacy organization for jazz music and culture, dedicated to promoting and developing the conditions, status, and appreciation of the field. The federation operates regionally through its 47 member organizations and maintains the Jazz Finland website, which serves as the primary information channel, knowledge base, and concert calendar for Finnish jazz.
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