Construction of the new Kruunuvuorenranta school begins in spring 2025
In addition to the school, the new Kruunuvuorenranta service centre will include a youth centre, a daycare centre and a playground. The new centre is intended to be in operation in the autumn term of 2027.

The new Kruunuvuorenranta school will be built in the service block on Pitkäluodonkatu, which is located in the grounds of the former oil port’s. In addition to a Finnish and Swedish comprehensive school, the service block will include a new daycare centre and playground, as well as youth work facilities. Initial construction has been carried out on Pitkäluodonkatu in autumn 2024 to prepare for the project.
The building will include the Kruunuvuorenranta comprehensive school, which currently operates in temporary premises, and the Degerö lågstadieskola , which will move there from its current address at Linnanrakentajantie 16. The schools will be for a total of 950 pupils and the daycare centre for 200 children. Kruunuvuorenranta comprehensive school will have 700 pupils and Degerö lågstadieskolan 200 pupils in the basic education and 50 pupils in the pre-primary education.
The building is based on an architectural competition held in 2020, which was won by Huttunen-Lipasti Arkkitehdit Oy.
Energy efficiency and climate change preparedness are significant considerations in the new building. It will be built in energy class A and will make use of geothermal energy for heating. Solar panels will be installed on the roof.
“The residents of the area are eagerly awaiting the new school and daycare centre. It is great that we are now able to proceed with this project and start construction next year,” says Project Director Arto Manninen from the City of Helsinki.
SRV Oyj is the general contractor in this construction project.
Yard plans modified due to protected streamlet
The City of Helsinki suspended construction work near the service block about one year ago. Complaints were made at the time about the street construction in the area, which are still being processed. Construction has also been delayed by the streamlet, i.e. a small natural waterway, that was found in the area, which is a protected habitat type.
In order to solve the issue, the city has changed the implementation method and phasing of the area’s infrastructure construction so that the school and daycare centre building can be implemented before the completion of the wider street network. Alterations have also been made to the plans for the school grounds.
Sports facilities and commercial services have also been planned near the school. Their construction period remains undecided.
New plans for Stansvik promenade and beach in 2025
Due to the streamlet, the City of Helsinki is changing the plans for the Stansvik promenade and the accessible beach. They are expected to be on the Urban Environment Committee’s agenda in spring.
In the current plans, the Stansvik promenade is dimensioned for motor vehicles. Now, the preliminary plan is to turn the street at Stansvikinranta into a pedestrian and cycle path that extends to Stansvik Manor. In this way, it is possible to build the route to be narrower than previously planned, so that already in addition to the streamlet, we are able to preserve more trees than previously. The City of Helsinki will preserve the Stansvik streamlet in spring 2025.
School construction contract:
Arto Manninen
Project Manager
Urban Environment Division, Project Unit
tel. +358 9 310 31849
Kruunuvuorenranta in general:
Kati Kiyancicek
Project Manager
City of Helsinki
City Executive Office
Tel.: +358 9 310 31624
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