Europe’s top young musicians join forces with healthcare and technology pioneers in Turku
For over twenty years, Prof. emer. Seppo Soinila has been leading pioneering research at Turku University Hospital into music’s contribution to healing injured brains. Soinila’s group has been affiliated into Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain.

Music’s cognitive benefits have been studied since the 1960s; from around 2000, the development of non-invasive brain imaging has made it possible to combine earlier psychological, physiological, and hormonal (chemical) observations with a new level of neurological accuracy.
Along with sophisticated methods of functional imaging, it transpired that music actually activates every part of the human brain, inviting profound questions regarding, how it may help an injured brain form new connections and hence, promote rehabilitation.
Of the ca. 200 studies now published so far, experiments have proved that music stimulates better cognitive performance, attention span, motor control, and reduced depression, anxiety and confusion in neurological patients. Listening to music reduces the need for opioid pain killers after major operations.
Now this research is being combined with a virtual reality-based technology: 360VR Music Healing Delivery System (patent pending) initiated by concert pianist Pauli Kari. This new level of access to music through 360VR enables brain injury, stroke, and dementia patients to experience concerts even if their health does not permit them to visit a concert hall. A special point of focus for Soinila’s research group is now how Kari’s 360VR can be implemented and provide add value to traditional rehabilitation programmes.
“According to the feedback by the patients and nurses during the VR concerts, they forgot they were in hospital. That truly inspires me to drive this project onwards”, says Pauli Kari.
"The adequacy of virtual reality has been researched in other contexts, like flight simulator training for pilots, and also in some clinical settings, but VR-based music therapy has not yet been proved feasible and effective as part of routine rehabilitative procedure of major neurological diseases context before”, says Prof. emer. Seppo Soinila, Turku University Hospital.
"Musicians have sensed for centuries that music heals. Now, the growing body of scientific evidence from Seppo Soinila’s group in Turku, supported internationally by other researchers, is being combined with a pioneering new method to bring the healing experience of live music to patients for whom access to concert halls is impossible. This pioneering method, using bespoke 360 degree music recordings accessed by 3D glasses, is the vision and brain-child of Pauli Kari, who following an Alpine accident, has been devoted to developing this new ‘healing through music’ programme for more than six years. It is the greatest of privileges, and an honour, for the EUYO to be able to serve such important and inspiring work in partnership with Seppo, Pauli, and their teams”, says Executive and Artistic Director for EUYO Marshall Marcus.
A unique experience for Europe’s most talented young musicians
For the second year running, a string quartet of musicians from the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) is visiting Turku from 13-15 December, to make 360° recordings for use with the VR glasses. They will also perform at Turku University Hospital both for the general public and privately on the neurological ward and care home. They join PianoDuo ConFuego (Maria Männikkö and Pauli Kari) and soprano Pia Pajala to give two public evening concerts as part of Turku’s Kaskenmäki Home Concerts 10th Anniversary Season.
Recognised for nearly fifty years as one of the best youth orchestras in the world, the EUYO attracts more than 3000 applicants aged 16-26 from all 27 EU Member States each year, auditioning for approximately 120 positions.
Alongside classic symphony orchestra concerts with the world’s best conductors and guest soloists in the most prestigious venues and festivals worldwide, the Orchestra undertakes a great variety of innovative projects – no fewer than 75 events in 2024: on tour, online, in regional communities, and involving multidisciplinary and research collaborations. The Orchestra drives activity of such scope and scale because the power of music is deep and wide: it develops talent, the understanding of self and society, and brings communities together.
In 2023, EUYO musician David Ruiz Del Canto described their experience providing music for the Tyks/360VR collaboration as marking “a before and after in my life as a musician and as a person. This experience has been one of, if not the most, beautiful and meaningful experiences I have ever had.”
The string quartet consists of David Ruiz Del Canto (Spain, violin), Anja Kralj (Slovenia, violin), Hanna Maria Semper (Estonia, viola) and Mark Fliderman Kuligin (Spain, cello).
Kaskenmäki Home Concert | Address on reservation, Friday 13 December 2024, 19:00
Informal public performance | Turku University Hospital Cafeteria, Saturday 14 December 2024, 13:00
Kaskenmäki Home Concert | Address on reservation, Saturday 14 December 2024, 19:00. Includes (18:00) pre-concert talk by Prof. emer. Seppo Soinila about medical research into the healing effects of music.
Naantali Care home | Address on reservation, Sunday 15 December 2024, 14:00
Further information, press tickets:
Nadine Karell, Communications Expert
Nadine KarellCommunications ExpertVarsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue
Tel:044 099 0996nadine.karell@varha.fiSeppo SoinilaProfessor EmeritusVarsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue
Tel:050 346 3396seppo.soinila@tyks.fiPavel ZaitsevResearcherTurun yliopisto
Tel:050 410 7130pavel.zaitsev@utu.fiPauli KariPianistKaskenmäen kotikonsertit
Tel:046 548 2771paulikari1@gmail.comAlternative languages
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