Betolar's new low-carbon shotcrete solution for production use at Outokumpu's Kemi mine
Betolar has developed a new mixed cement-based shotcrete solution based on CEM III standards for Outokumpu. The solution will be taken into production use at the beginning of 2025 at Outokumpu's Kemi chrome mine, which will become the world’s first operating carbon neutral mine by the end of 2025.

"We have successfully developed, piloted, and approved a shotcrete solution for Outokumpu within the agreed timetable. This means that the first phase of the development work has been successfully completed. Already at this stage, we have been able to reduce the amount of CO2-emitting cement from the current level," says Pasi Karekivi, Betolar's Business Development Director, Mining & Metals.
The development work continues to the next phase where Betolar develops a completely cement-free Geoprime shotcrete solution by the end of September 2025.
"The cement-free solution is completely new in shotcrete. The product, Betolar is developing to Outokumpu, enables us to focus on low-carbon shotcrete in the mining industry and infrastructure construction. " Karekivi says.
Outokumpu aims to achieve carbon neutrality at its chrome mine in Kemi next year. The cooperation with Betolar makes a decisive contribution to this goal. A significant amount of shotcrete is used annually to support the mine tunnels, one of the main raw materials of which is cement.
"The carbon neutrality of the Kemi mine is an important and concrete step in Outokumpu’s journey towards ambitious climate targets. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint through our own measures as much as possible with the available technologies. The development project in collaboration with Betolar supports the reduction of emissions throughout the entire value chain of the mine," says Martti Sassi, President of the Business Area Ferrochrome at Outokumpu.
Betolar has introduced mining industry solutions alongside low-carbon construction solutions. In accordance with its renewed strategy, the company aims to become a significant growth driver in the mining industry, as the sector’s companies are often large and international players.
“Collaboration with a pioneer like Outokumpu significantly advances the sustainable and responsible development of the industry. This is an excellent demonstration that low-carbon solutions can be implemented today without major investments," says Tuija Kalpala, CEO of Betolar.
Tuija KalpalaBetolar Oyj CEO
Puh:+358 50 567 6608tuija.kalpala@betolar.comTilaa tiedotteet sähköpostiisi
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