ChargeZone expands EV fast-charging network across India with Kempower technology, unveils first hub in Gujarat
INDIA – ChargeZone, India’s fastest-growing EV charging network, has launched its first charging hub equipped with Kempower technology in Gujarat. Located at Shreenath Food Hub along a key highway, the hub is operated by ChargeZone and installed by WGB Charging Sol Pvt. Ltd., representing a significant leap in strengthening India’s e-mobility infrastructure. This initiative is part of a broader project to establish 15 additional fast-charging sites across the country, underlining ChargeZone’s commitment to expanding accessible and reliable EV charging solutions nationwide.

Kempower partnered with ChargeZone and WBG to deliver this advanced charging hub equipped with a 400kW Kempower Power Unit charging system featuring two double output and one single output Kempower Satellite with CCS2 connectors. The site supports both passenger cars and electric trucks, making it one of the first of its kind in India designed to serve a diverse range of EV users.
Carlo Cecchi, Director, New Markets at Kempower comments: “We are delighted to work with ChargeZone, one of the leading charge point operators in India. Both companies share a vision of setting up high-quality fast-charging hubs to facilitate the electrification of intercity and interstate travel. We are committed to a high standard of uptime and reliability as it is crucial for giving drivers and businesses the confidence to make the switch to electric vehicles.”
The Shreenath Food Hub charging site is strategically located alongside the highway, between the two big cities Ahmedabad and Mumbai, providing EV drivers with convenient access to charging facilities during their journeys. The Kempower DC charging system ensures dynamic power distribution across the five connectors, maximizing charging efficiency and minimizing wait times. Coupled with Kempower ChargEye, a cloud-based charging management system, ChargeZone can dynamically distribute the charging power and thus maximize the number of vehicles that can be charged simultaneously.
On the collaboration with Kempower and WBG, Mr. Kartikey Hariyani, Founder & CEO, CHARGE ZONE added, "Integrating Kempower’s cutting-edge chargers into our supercharging network is a significant leap forward for India’s EV ecosystem. With Kempower’s advanced technology and WBG’s engineering expertise, we’re elevating the charging experience for EV drivers and supporting the shift to high-capacity chargers. This collaboration underscores our commitment to building a seamless, reliable charging infrastructure for intercity and interstate travel."
Alfredo Couturier, Managing Director of WBG: “Charge Zone’s commitment to reliable, customer-centric charging services perfectly aligns with our values, making them an ideal customer and partner. Together, we aim to address the challenges of India's vast market by delivering robust charging infrastructure that removes availability anxiety. Kempower's state-of-the-art technology, combined with our system integration capabilities, ensures the reliability and efficiency needed to support commercial fleets and heavy-duty transportation, contributing to the decarbonization of the transport sector.”
Media Contacts
Kempower media:
Paula Savonen, VP, Communications, Kempower
Pratik Soni:
The Mavericks India
Indrajit Bhattacharjee -
Ritik Pandey -
About Kempower
We design and manufacture reliable and user-friendly DC fast-charging solutions for electric vehicles. Our vision is to create the world’s most desired EV charging solutions for everyone, everywhere. Our product development and production are based in Finland and in the U.S. with the majority of our materials and components sourced locally. We focus on all areas of e-mobility, from electric cars, trucks, and buses to machines and marine. Our modular and scalable charging system and world-class software are designed by EV drivers for EV drivers, enabling the best user experience for our customers around the world. Kempower is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland.
About ChargeZone
ChargeZone is one of few companies globally, with an integrated technology and engineering capabilities to build EV Charging Networks, specializing in high-speed charging networks for electric buses/trucks and electric cars across the enterprise and the retail network on both dedicated and opportunity-based charging using smart-grid networks. Headquartered at Vadodara (Gujarat, India), CHARGE ZONE has spearheaded the fast charging infrastructure with indigenous development of the technology of mobile-app and CMS with firmware/web-socket cloud-based computing for super-fast EV charging with more than 4300 points across 400+ locations in India and UAE. CHARGE ZONE is on a green mission to establish one million charging points across important markets of EVs in India for all 4W categories of vehicles including cars, buses and trucks.
Social Media
Paula SavonenVice President, CommunicationsKempower
Tel:+358 29 0021900paula.savonen@kempower.comImages
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