Sprocket Power and Kempower announce strategic collaboration in the U.S. to meet the growing need of EV charging infrastructure
Leading DC fast-charging solutions provider Kempower is proud to announce a strategic collaboration with Sprocket Power, based in the United States. Sprocket Power offers commercial entities a seamless solution, combining EV chargers with sustainable power generation and storage to manage utility costs effectively. One of the first collaboration projects is delivering charging stations to Sunrise Toyota car dealerships in the New York area.

BEDFORD HILLS, NY – Leading DC fast-charging solutions provider Kempower is proud to announce a strategic collaboration with Sprocket Power, based in the United States. Sprocket Power offers commercial entities a seamless solution, combining EV chargers with sustainable power generation and storage to manage utility costs effectively. One of the first collaboration projects is delivering charging stations to Sunrise Toyota car dealerships in the New York area.
Sprocket Power Microgrids are at the forefront of integrating solar power generation and battery storage to meet the increasing demand for EV charging. By addressing rising utility demand charges, Sprocket Power leverages federal, state and utility programs in the U.S. to reduce upgrade costs by up to 60% and achieve significant utility bill savings of up to 90%.
“Kempower manufactures world-class electric vehicle chargers. Their chargers are reliable in all types of weather conditions and provide an unparalleled user experience,” said Dennis Quinn, President of Sprocket Power. “Sprocket Power engineers managed microgrids that synchronize solar power, battery storage, and cloud-based facility management software. By combining skill sets, Sprocket Power and Kempower are helping businesses provide EV charging that is scalable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective.”
One of the first collaboration projects of Kempower and Sprocket Power is delivering EV charging to Sunrise Toyota car dealerships in the New York area. This initiative responds to higher-than-expected growth in EV sales in specific markets. Kempower units will be incorporated into Sprocket Power Microgrids at Sunrise Toyota and the new Sunrise Toyota North.
“We have experienced rising utility costs for years,” said Jimmy Berg, Dealer Principal at Sunrise Toyota. “We are also increasingly sensitive to power outages that shut down our operations. This investment in our facility and business creates a strong investment case by controlling these costs. The resiliency benefits are an important bonus .”
The Sprocket Power Microgrid utilizes advanced technology to create an integrated and managed system that generates and stores solar energy. This stored energy serves as the primary source for EV charging while optimizing energy use, grid pull, and grid export based on grid conditions. This innovative system supports New York State’s ambitious climate goals and enhances energy resilience, ensuring businesses can maintain operations even during power outages.
"Our collaboration with Sprocket Power represents an exciting opportunity to bring Kempower's advanced EV charging solutions to businesses looking for reliable, scalable, and sustainable energy systems. By integrating our proven DC fast chargers with Sprocket Power’s innovative microgrids, we’re helping to create a future where clean energy and EV charging go hand in hand,” said Jed Routh, Vice President of Markets and Products, Kempower.
"At Kempower, we are committed to delivering EV charging solutions that provide an exceptional user experience while supporting ambitious sustainability goals. This partnership with Sprocket Power enables us to offer a unique combination of smart charging technology and renewable energy systems, reducing both costs and environmental impact for our customers," added Marcus Suvanto, Vice President of Sales at Kempower.
Kempower Media Global:
Paula Savonen, VP, Communications, Kempower
+358 29 0021900
North America:
Anna Beth McCormick
About Kempower:
We design and manufacture reliable and user-friendly DC fast-charging solutions for electric vehicles. Our vision is to create the world’s most desired EV charging solutions for everyone, everywhere. Our product development and production are based in Finland and in the U.S., with the majority of our materials and components sourced locally. We focus on all areas of e-mobility, from electric cars, trucks, and buses to machines and marine. Our modular and scalable charging system and world-class software are designed by EV drivers for EV drivers, enabling the best user experience for our customers around the world. Kempower is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland. www.kempower.com
About Sprocket Power
Sprocket Power, founded by Maria Fields and Dennis Quinn, supports commercial businesses in all aspects of electrification, including EV charger integration. With over 50 years of combined experience in managed energy solutions, project development, and utility programs, Sprocket Power is dedicated to driving energy efficiency and sustainability.
Paula SavonenVice President, CommunicationsKempower
Tel:+358 29 0021900paula.savonen@kempower.comSubscribe to releases from Kempower Oyj
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