
SecD-Day Grows Across All Metrics, Solidifying Its Position as a Key Nordic Event for the Defence Industry


The SecD-Day Conference and Exhibition successfully achieved its goal of showcasing Finnish innovation in defence expertise and strengthening international collaboration. Organised by the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA) and Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, the two-day event attracted over 4,000 professionals from the defence materials sector, solidifying its position as a key Nordic meeting place for the industry.

A total of 190 companies from 15 different countries participated, and the international atmosphere was reflected in the visitor profile: the event welcomed 4,191 industry professionals, including prominent foreign delegations and media representatives.
A total of 190 companies from 15 different countries participated, and the international atmosphere was reflected in the visitor profile: the event welcomed 4,191 industry professionals, including prominent foreign delegations and media representatives. Pekka Hannila | Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre

SecD-Day 2025, an event covering defence, security, space, and aerospace industries, provided an excellent platform for networking, current discussions, and sharing the latest insights. Under the theme "There is no security without industry", the event highlighted the crucial role of the sector in ensuring security.

SecD-Day was the largest defence industry exhibition ever held in Finland, exceeding all expectations in terms of impact. A total of 190 companies from 15 different countries participated, and the international atmosphere was reflected in the visitor profile: the event welcomed 4,191 industry professionals, including prominent foreign delegations and media representatives.

The event received glowing feedback from companies, visitors, and the media alike – the atmosphere was exceptionally enthusiastic and positive.

“An international-level defence technology event has emerged in Finland”

"SecD-Day has now established itself as an international-level defence industry event in Finland. We took a significant leap forward from the previous edition. The exhibition days were very busy, attracting the right visitors and fostering effective networking, proving that SecD-Day serves the entire defence ecosystem excellently. Our experience over these two days has been highly positive," says Patria's Director of Communications, Sirje Ahvenlampi-Hyvönen.

"SecD-Day was an excellent hub for interaction between the Dutch defence industry and Finnish companies and authorities. We formed numerous new partnerships and advanced collaboration between our countries. We will definitely participate in the next event, and an even larger group of Dutch companies will certainly join us," says Peter Huis in ’t Veld from the Netherlands Industries for Defence & Security, which coordinated the joint participation of 12 Dutch defence companies.

"SecD-Day 2025 increased direct interaction between defense, security, space and aviation companies and authorities. The event, which exceeded visitor expectations, aroused great interest in Finland and internationally. This is of course very positive and offers all the possibilities for long-term growth", says Secretary General, Ms. Tuija Karanko, from Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries – PIA.

The programme designed by PIA included keynote speeches, panel discussions, and company presentations. The opening ceremony featured keynote addresses from Finland’s Minister of Defence, Antti Häkkänen, and NATO Support and Procurement Agency’s General Manager, Stacy A. Cummings.

The next SecD-Day Conference and Exhibition will take place in two years, on 2–3 February 2027, at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, organised on behalf of the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA).



Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA): Tuija Karanko, tuija.karanko(at), +358 40 559 8986

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre: Business Manager, Anssi Rajala, anssi.rajala(at), +358 40 843 3936


Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Finland’s Minister of Defence, Antti Häkkänen speaking
Finland’s Minister of Defence, Antti Häkkänen speaking
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Finland’s Minister of Defence, Antti Häkkänen (in the middle) exploring the exhibition with the Secretary General, Mrs Tuija Karanko of the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA).
Finland’s Minister of Defence, Antti Häkkänen (in the middle) exploring the exhibition with the Secretary General, Mrs Tuija Karanko of the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA).
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA), Secretary General Tuija Karanko
Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA), Secretary General Tuija Karanko
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
NATO Support and Procurement Agency’s General Manager, Stacy A. Cummings speaking.
NATO Support and Procurement Agency’s General Manager, Stacy A. Cummings speaking.
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre


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