DNA selects Cisco Jasper to enable IoT Connectivity

DNA and Cisco Jasper will introduce the new DNA Connectivity IoT service to open global IoT ecosystem opportunities for Finnish companies. With the comprehensive service, DNA customers can develop and increase their IoT services businesses across both national and international markets.

DNA has invested in the expertise of its personnel and the new DNA Connectivity IoT service in order to become a significant operator in the global IoT market.

DNA has collaborated with Cisco Jasper to launch its new IoT service, which is applicable to businesses in every industry. By pairing DNA’s extensive mobile network with Cisco Jasper Control Center, the leading global IoT connectivity management platform, companies throughout Finland can now launch, manage and monetize IoT services worldwide.

“We want to accelerate the development of Finnish IoT innovations by launching a versatile, cloud-based and continuously developing ecosystem for automatic connectivity management by a global market leader. Together with Cisco Jasper, we are able to provide our customers with optimal capabilities for the development of IoT solutions and their efficient scalability for Finnish and international markets,” says Esa Kinnunen, Director, IoT Sales and solutions at DNA.

Enterprises on the DNA mobile network will benefit from Control Center, which will not only provide near real-time visibility and control over IoT services throughout Finland, but also has the global scale needed to easily expand those services worldwide. The Cisco Jasper IoT platform is already utilised by over 55 service providers globally, and the thousands of automated commands enabled by the platform are used to manage IoT devices across more than 550 mobile networks worldwide. Its connectivity management solutions are suitable for the diverse and changing needs of companies of all sizes.

“This collaboration will empower innovative enterprises throughout Finland to launch connected services that enhance their customers’ experiences and generate new revenue, and to scale those services globally,” said Kalle Ward, Managing Director, EMEAR, Cisco IoT. “In addition, global businesses looking to expand their IoT services into Finland can do so leveraging DNA’s world class mobile network and our Control Center IoT connectivity management platform.”

DNA is also reinforcing its position as an international connection provider by joining the IoT World Alliance as the only Finnish operator. The primary goal of the IoT World Alliance is to facilitate seamless and efficient worldwide deployment and management of IoT connections for its customers through localised and standardised services. Customers of the DNA Connectivity IoT service are also able to enjoy the benefits of the Alliance's services in a centralised manner.

Despite the rapid recent growth, the utilisation of IoT in business operations and the development of public services is still in its infancy. The need for secure network devices is continuously increasing and the technological evolution of mobile networks towards the utilisation of NB-IoT and 5G technologies also creates totally new opportunities for IoT services. Providing customers with reliable two-way IoT connections and the means for their easy and real-time management are an essential aspect of overall IoT services, and together DNA and Cisco Jasper are delivering these capabilities.

More information:

Robb Henshaw, Cisco Media Relations, tel. +1 408 526 8737, robhensh@cisco.com
Esa Kinnunen, Director, IoT Sales and Solutions, DNA Plc, tel +358 (0)44 044 7073,
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 (0)44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi


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About DNA Plc
DNA Plc is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland's largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both cable and terrestrial networks. For DNA, the key area for growth in corporate business is the new way of working, independent of time and place, facilitated by smart terminal devices, diverse communications services and rapid connections. In 2017, DNA recorded net sales of EUR 886 million and an operating profit of EUR 124 million. DNA has more than 3.9 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland's largest retail chain selling mobile phones. DNA shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. For further information, visit www.dna.fi or follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook.


About DNA Oyj

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DNA Plc is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland's largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both cable and terrestrial networks. For DNA, the key area for growth in corporate business is the new way of working, independent of time and place, facilitated by smart terminal devices, diverse communications services and rapid connections. In 2017, DNA recorded net sales of EUR 886 million and an operating profit of EUR 124 million. DNA has more than 3.9 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland's largest retail chain selling mobile phones. DNA shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. For further information, visit www.dna.fi or follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook.

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