DNA’s Seniorilinja senior support line is expanding to also assist other special groups

The Seniorilinja senior support line, which has been operating under DNA’s customer service since 2008, is expanding its service to cover not only the elderly, but also other customers who need unhurried service and special help. The Seniorilinja support line is from now on called DNA Kiireetön linja.
The Seniorilinja senior support line, which has been operating under DNA’s customer service since 2008, is expanding its service to cover not only the elderly, but also other customers who need unhurried service and special help.
The Seniorilinja senior support line, which has been operating under DNA’s customer service since 2008, is expanding its service to cover not only the elderly, but also other customers who need unhurried service and special help.

Good customer understanding and digital inclusion are DNA’s core goals, and considering the need for unhurried service and special assistance in customer service is one step towards these goals.

“Our survey on digital inclusion last spring revealed that as many as a tenth of all Finns over the age of 15 have some physical limitation that affects the use of digital devices and services. This is a huge number of people whose service can be significantly improved by being able to identify and respond to their need for special help”, says Riikka Luostarinen, Vice President responsible for consumer business customer service at DNA.

DNA’s customer service personnel are trained to attend to customers who use communication aids, such as a speech synthesiser. In addition, a video connection or chat can be agreed with DNA’s customer service, for example, when it is difficult for the customer to hear speech.

“We want to offer everyone good service, and it is important that we can help more customers to get more benefits of digital services”, Luostarinen says.

DNA opened the Seniorilinja senior support line more than 10 years ago after discovering that some older people are at risk of being left on the sidelines of digitalisation due to their lack of digital competence. Attention should be paid also to the prevalence of visual, hearing and other possible impairments.

DNA Kiireetön linja - non-hurried service line, tel. +358 (0)44 144 244, is available Mon–Fri from 9 am to 4 pm. DNA’s non-urgent line is aimed at all DNA customers who need non-urgent customer service and guidance due to, for example, old age or visual, hearing or other impairment. Calling and queueing to the customer service is subject to standard domestic call rates. Calling from abroad is subject to the international price list. Calls from DNA landline subscriptions are free of charge.

Further information for the media:

DNA’s 2021 survey on digital inclusion (in Finnish only) >> 

Riikka Luostarinen, VP, Customer Solutions (Consumer Business), DNA Plc, tel. +358 (0)44 044 3053, riikka.luostarinen@dna.fi

DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 (0)44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi


The Seniorilinja senior support line, which has been operating under DNA’s customer service since 2008, is expanding its service to cover not only the elderly, but also other customers who need unhurried service and special help.
The Seniorilinja senior support line, which has been operating under DNA’s customer service since 2008, is expanding its service to cover not only the elderly, but also other customers who need unhurried service and special help.


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DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. We want to make our customers' daily lives less complicated. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. DNA's customers are continuously among the world mobile data usage leaders. DNA has about 3.6 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2020, our total revenue was EUR 934 million and we employ about 1,600 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, Twitter @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.

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