
Finnish motor liability insurance policies no longer valid in Russia starting from June

The international Green Card agreements on motor liability insurance with Russia and Belarus were terminated last year, and the agreements end at the end of May. After this, drivers must take out the required insurance from a local insurer when they cross the border.
From 1 June 2023 onwards, the policy must be taken out from a Russian or Belarussian insurer when crossing the border. Photo: Mostphotos.
From 1 June 2023 onwards, the policy must be taken out from a Russian or Belarussian insurer when crossing the border. Photo: Mostphotos.

All motor liability insurance policies issued for Russia and Belarus under the Green Card agreements will expire at the start of June. This means motor liability insurance policies issued in Finland, other EEA countries or Switzerland are no longer valid in Russia and Belarus in June. Some insurers have already stopped issuing Green Cards for travel to these countries.

‘All Green Cards issued for travel to Russia and Belarus will indeed expire at the start of June. If you travel to these countries earlier, when Green Cards are still valid, you must take out a new motor liability insurance policy from a local insurer by 1 June. Otherwise, you will be driving without insurance,’ says Janne Jumppanen, director of the Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre.

Having a motor liability insurance policy is mandatory in Russia and Belarus as well. From 1 June 2023 onwards, the policy must be taken out from a Russian or Belarussian insurer when crossing the border. The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends avoiding all travel to Russia and Belarus.

‘Russian motor liability insurance policies have a minimum validity period of five days. We have been informed that insurance policies can be taken out at the Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Vartius border crossings, and the service points are open around the clock throughout the year,’ says Jumppanen.

Accidents are compensated according to the legislation of the country where the accident happens. Before a trip, it is important to find out the main differences in compensation and practices between the relevant countries. The Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre does not handle road accidents that happen in Russia or Belarus.

The change in the Green Card collaboration has no effect on the coverage of road accident victims in Finland. The Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre will cover road accidents caused by a vehicle from a non-EEA country such as Russia in the future as well. This means that the coverage for victims is not reduced due to the changes.

Arriving in Finland from Russia or Belarus 

Having a motor liability insurance policy is mandatory to enter Finland. Finnish Customs provides motor liability insurance policies at Finnish border crossings. The minimum period of validity of the insurance policy is 30 days and the maximum is one year. When necessary, further coverage in Finland can be bought from Finnish Customs or the Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre. Frontier motor liability insurance policies taken out in Finland are valid in all EEA countries and Switzerland.

What is the Green Card system for motor liability insurance?

The Green Card is an international certificate of valid motor liability insurance. The system facilitates travelling abroad with a car, because drivers do not need to take out a separate local motor liability insurance in countries included in the system.

In Finland, an electronic Green Card that proves you have a valid insurance policy can be obtained free of charge from your motor liability insurer. Usually, the Green Card is a black and white PDF file provided to the customer that should be printed and kept at hand when travelling.

Motor liability insurance granted in Finland is automatically valid within the European Economic Area (EEA) and in Switzerland. This means requesting the Green Card from your insurer is not mandatory if you are travelling to these countries. However, having the Green Card facilitates crossing the border and handling possible accidents.

In non-EEA countries that are part of the Green Card system, you must always have your Green Card at hand. When entering countries outside the Green Card system, you have to acquire valid motor liability insurance at the border.

More information  

More information in Russian  

Contact information:  

Janne Jumppanen, Managing Director of the Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre, tel. +358 40 450 4543 

Communications, tel. +358 40 450 4700


From 1 June 2023 onwards, the policy must be taken out from a Russian or Belarussian insurer when crossing the border. Photo: Mostphotos.
From 1 June 2023 onwards, the policy must be taken out from a Russian or Belarussian insurer when crossing the border. Photo: Mostphotos.

Tietoja julkaisijasta

Itämerenkatu 11-13
00180 Helsinki

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The Finnish Motor Insurers' Centre (LVK) is the party that ultimately safeguards the rights of a person who has been involved in a road accident and takes care of the consequences of a default on the payment of the statutory motor liability insurance.

The Finnish Crash Data Institute (OTI), an independent unit within LVK, promotes traffic safety by coordinating the work of road accident investigation committees and compiling statistics regarding accidents.

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