
Habitare 2019 to explore the spaces of the mind

The theme of the 2019 Habitare, Mindspaces, moves between the material and the intangible, as well as the real and the imaginary. The spatial solutions, materials, colours, scents, lighting and objects evoke emotions, catering for various needs in life. The Habitare exhibition design, to be conceived by the designer Laura Väinölä, will also be built around this theme. Habitare will next be held at Messukeskus in Helsinki from 11 to 15 September 2019.

Homes and spaces have a variety of functions. Life is a balancing act that involves reconciliation between work, well-being and togetherness. The spaces and environments are the realm of the senses, constituting places in which the mind can rest, and be inspired and renewed. With the theme of Mindspaces, Habitare will present a visually powerful display, in which visitors can participate, like characters in a story.

“Metaphorically, the mind can be thought of as a house with different rooms. The rooms represent human emotions and needs. Home is a state of mind, that is to say, home is where the heart is. Physical spaces are becoming more important as reinforcers of various states of mind”, say the designers of the theme, the trend expert Antti Rimminen from Urban View and the culture and fashion reporter Mia Dillemuth.

The Habitare programme will elaborate on the theme of Mindspaces, highlighting phenomena and current issues such as multi-sensory experience; the union of digitality and reality (virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, real reality); the meaning of privacy; circular economy; and happiness.

Exhibition design by Laura Väinölä

The exhibition design of the autumn 2019 Habitare will be by the designer Laura Väinölä, who will offer her take on the theme of Mindspaces. The design by Väinölä, entitled The Shades, plays with surrealism, realities and imagination. Cinematic, colourful and surprising, The Shades includes surfaces and layers, spaces, and hiding places. The exhibition design will enable visitors to enter dreamlike worlds. For the first time, the Habitare exhibition design will also take advantage of augmented reality (AR).

“I am happy to be able to bring augmented reality into the world of Habitare. Augmented reality enables you to introduce a new type of visuality and to offer a veritable visual feast of design”, says Väinölä.

As a new-generation designer, Väinölä moves effortlessly in various areas of design and visual art, ranging from graphic design to spatial design, working both as a designer and as a creative director. Her work brings together aspects of art, fashion and contemporary phenomena, coupled with a sense of playfulness and surprise.

More information: Messukeskus, Communications manager Tarja Gordienko, +358 50 5847 262,

For print-resolution images of the exhibition design, visit the Messukeskus image bank:

Habitare, the largest furniture, design and interior decoration event in Finland, will be held at Messukeskus in Helsinki, from 11 to 15 September 2019. Habitare offers experiences and ideas on interior decoration, and on the functioning and look of homes and other spaces. Habitare highlights the ideas and works by a new generation of designers, and sparks discussion. Alberto Alessi will be the International Friend of Habitare in 2019. To be held concurrently with Habitare will be the Habitare Pro professionals event. | | @HabitareFair | |



Messukeskus, Communications manager Tarja Gordienko, +358 50 5847 262,



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Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for various occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Nordic Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congress and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel.The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. |  Messukeskus. The real social media | @messukeskus 

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