DNA Home 5G service launched
DNA Home 5G has now been thoroughly tested and is ready for commercial launch. The service will initially be offered through local direct sales.
“Customers have shown a great deal of interest in a high-speed, fixed 5G connection that is more affordable than fibre, and I’m really happy that we can now launch it commercially,” says DNA’s Pekka Väisänen, Senior Vice President, Consumer Business.
It will be easy for customers to start using DNA Home 5G, as the service comes ready-deployed: a technician will bring the required equipment, install the exterior antenna, set up the home network, and connect the customer’s most important devices. Customers will be able to use their DNA Home 5G connection immediately on delivery.
DNA Home 5G enables superfast broadband in areas where a fibre-optic connection is not available or would be very expensive to build. Service pricing is highly competitive: deployment costs a total of EUR 495, which can be claimed in full as a tax credit for household expenses.
DNA's 5G network containing technology from the front runners of the industry
DNA's 5G network is built together with several vendors in order to use the best technology available for each part of the network and secure best possible quality in the customer experience.
Overall, the 5G technology is based on a virtualization platform architecture, on which the critical core-network functionalities are built on. DNA’s virtualized 5G core network is provided by Affirmed Networks and the virtualization platform by Nokia. For 5G DNA has recently selected Huawei as a new supplier for the 5G radio network, while DNA is also still working with it's incumbent 4G supplier, Ericsson.
“5G offers our customers as well as businesses and the Finnish society new opportunities and services. With our vendors in place, we are ready to offer fast and reliable 5G to our customers. DNA’s strategy to have multiple vendors in our network enables us to provide the best possible customer experience as well as access to the latest technology innovations from our partners,” says Jukka Leinonen, CEO of DNA.
DNA Home 5G soon available also in Turku and Tampere
At the turn of the year, DNA Home 5G will also be available in residential home areas in Tampere and Turku. During early 2020, availability will extend to other larger cities as DNA’s 5G network expands. A similar service will also be made available to DNA’s corporate customers, to expand the availability of super-fast access point connections. 5G IoT services – NB-IoT and LTE-M – are already available to corporate customers.
DNA is simultaneously preparing to launch sales of 5G subscriptions and other 5G services. DNA will start selling 5G phones next year, when manufacturers have supplied sufficiently advanced models.
“Some incredibly interesting 5G phones will be coming onto the market, but it looks as if we’ll still have to wait some time for them. We want to ensure that when our customers switch to 5G, they can immediately choose phones with features and performance that are both genuinely 5G,” says Väisänen.
DNA’s 5G network to grow significantly in 2020
DNA will rapidly extend its 5G network to cover new areas, as the mobile network has been prepped for the 5G era for a long time. DNA’s network has been equipped with 5G-capable technology and its capacity has been increased to meet the new demands. DNA has already tested 5G technology in downtown areas of Helsinki, Hyvinkää and Pori, and in residential areas in Vantaa.
DNA will also continue to improve and expand its 4G network in parallel to its investments in 5G. Regardless of the introduction of 5G, DNA believes that 4G will remain as both the primary mobile network technology and its customers’ most-used network for a long time yet.
Further information for the media:
Jukka Leinonen, CEO, DNA Plc, +358 44 044 1000, jukka.leinonen@dna.fi
Pekka Väisänen, Senior Vice President, Consumer Business, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 0400 168, pekka.vaisanen@dna.fi
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000,
About DNA Oyj
DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. We want to make our customers' daily lives less complicated. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. DNA’s mobile communication network customers have the highest mobile data usage per subscription in the world. We are also Finland's largest cable TV operator and the leading pay-TV provider. DNA has more than 4 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company was ranked the best employer in Finland in the large companies category of the 2019 Great Place to Work survey. In 2018, our net sales were EUR 912 million and we employ about 1,600 people around Finland. DNA shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. More information: www.dna.fi, Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook.
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