
BlackRock Real Assets keräsi 4,8 miljardin dollarin sijoitukset Global Renewable Power Fund III -rahastoon

BlackRockin uusiutuvaan energiaan sijoittavan rahastosarjan kolmas rahasto Global Renewable Power Fund III -rahasto ylitti selvästi alkuperäisen tavoitteensa. Se on rahastosarjan suurin rahasto mutta myös maailman suurin itsenäinen ilmastoinfrastruktuuriin sijoittava rahasto[1].
BlackRock Real Assets GRP III - Solar (floating) Taiwan
BlackRock Real Assets GRP III - Solar (floating) Taiwan

HELSINKI 8.4.2021 – BlackRock Real Assets keräsi 4,8 miljardin dollarin sijoitukset Global Renewable Power Fund III -rahastoon (GRP III). Rahastoon on sitoutunut sijoittamaan yli 100 institutionaalista sijoittajaa, joihin lukeutuu johtavia yksityisiä ja julkisia eläkerahastoja, vakuutusyhtiöitä, säätiöitä ja family office -yhtiöitä 18 eri maasta eri puolilta maailmaa.

GRP III on BlackRockin Global Renewable Power -rahastosarjan kolmas rahasto, ja viides kaikista BlackRockin ilmastoinfrastruktuuriin globaalisti sijoittavista rahastoista, jotka sijoittavat pääasiassa uusiutuvan energian tuotantoon Amerikoissa, Euroopassa ja Aasiassa. GRP III -rahaston tavoittelee houkuttelevaa riskikorjattua tuottoa sekä mitattavia positiivisia ympäristö- ja sosiaalisia vaikutuksia sijoittamalla laajasti uusiutuvan energian ja sitä tukevaan infrastruktuuriin ympäri maailmaa, kuten energian varastointiin ja jakeluun sekä sähköistettyyn liikenteeseen. Rahaston sijoitusmahdollisuudet heijastavat uusiutuvan energian kehittyviä markkinoita ja sijoittajien kasvavaa kiinnostusta sijoituskohteisiin, jotka tukevat siirtymää kohti vähähiilistä taloutta.

Rahasto on aloittanut varojen sijoittamisen ja on jo sijoittanut kolmeen kohteeseen Euroopassa, Aasiassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa. Sijoitukset on tehty tuulivoimaan Euroopassa, aurinkoenergiaan Aasiassa ja hajautettuun aurinkoenergian tuotantoon Yhdysvalloissa. Jokaisella kohteella on tärkeä rooli kunkin alueen siirtymisessä kohti nollapäästötaloutta. GRP III -rahastoa edelsivät vuonna 2012 perustettu GRP I- ja vuonna 2016 perustettu GRP II -rahasto, jotka on merkitty täyteen.

David Giordano, Global Head of BlackRock Renewable Power, sanoo: “Olemme erittäin tyytyväisiä rahaston varojenkeruun onnistumiseen, mikä on osoitus uusiutuvan energian sijoituskohteiden vahvasta globaalista kysynnästä ja tiimimme kyvystä rakentaa asiakkaiden vastuullisuus- ja rahoitustavoitteisiin vastaavia kestäviä sijoitussalkkuja. Hankkimalla, rakentamalla ja optimoimalla sijoituskohteita läpi niiden elinkaaren uskomme uusiutuvan energian pystyvän tarjoamaan sijoittajille houkuttelevaa riskikorjattua tuottoa ja tasaisia kassavirtatuloja, joiden korrelaatio suhdannevaihteluihin on vähäinen."

Jim Barry, Chief Investment Officer of BlackRock Alternative Investors and Global Head of BlackRock Real Assets, sanoo: “GRP III -rahasto sijoittaa tulevaisuuden vastuulliseen infrastruktuuriin. Kun maailma pyrkii kohti hiilidioksidin nollapäästötasoa vuoteen 2050 mennessä, siirtymällä on dramaattisia vaikutuksia pörssilistattujen osakkeiden lisäksi yksityisiin markkinoihin, mikä luo merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia etujoukoissa oleville sijoittajille. BlackRock on sitoutunut lisäämään vastuullisten tuotteiden tarjoomaansa yksityisillä markkinoilla kaikissa omaisuusluokissa, mukaan lukien ilmastoinfrastruktuuri”

BlackRockin Global Renewable Power -rahastot ovat sijoittaneet yli 250 tuuli- ja aurinkoenergiakohteeseen 13 maassa neljällä mantereella. Global Renewable Power -tiimiin kuuluu 54 ammattilaista, joilla on keskimäärin yli 20 vuoden kokemus sijoittamisesta ja teknologiasta. Tiimi hallinnoi yli 9 miljardin dollarin asiakasvaroja. Sijoituksissa painotetaan globaalisti hajautettuja salkkuja, mitattavia ilmastovaikutuksia ja sijoituskohteiden erilaisuutta.

BlackRockin sijoitusnäkemyksen mukaan vastuullisuuden nivominen osaksi sijoittamista voi auttaa sijoittajia rakentamaan kestävämpiä sijoitussalkkuja ja saavuttamaan parempaa riskikorjattua tuottoa pitkällä aikavälillä. GRP III -rahasto täyttää EU:n asetuksen kestävyyteen liittyvien tietojen antamisesta rahoitussektorilla2 (SFDR) artiklan 9 tiukimmat vaatimukset. Asiakkaidensa varainhoitajana BlackRock on sitoutunut auttamaan asiakkaitaan navigoimaan siirtymisessä kohti nollapäästötaloutta, jossa hiilidioksidia ei tuoteta enempää kuin sitä poistetaan ilmakehästä. Osana sitoumustaan BlackRockin tavoitteena on tarjota asiakkaille täysi valikoima ilmastonäkökulman huomioivia sijoitusvaihtoehtoja kaikissa omaisuusluokissa ja maantieteellisillä alueilla mukaan lukien strategiat, jotka etsivät mahdollisuuksia ilmastoinnovaatioista.

1Lähde: BlackRock, maaliskuu 2021. Koko hallinnoitavien varojen mukaan.

2 Ollakseen artiklan 9 mukaisia BlackRockin sijoitustuotteiden on täytettävä seuraavat kriteerit:
• Strategian on suuntauduttava vastuullisiin sijoituksiin ja ilmoitettava tämä selvästi tuotteen sijoitustavoitteissa ja toimintatavoissa.

• Kaikkien sijoitusten on noudatettava ei merkittävää haittaa -periaatetta.

• Kaikkien sijoitusten on noudatettava hyvän hallintotavan standardeja.


Viestintätoimisto Cocomms
Anna-Mari Tiilikainen
Puh. 050 558 0888


BlackRockin tarkoituksena on auttaa yhä useampia ihmisiä saavuttamaan taloudellista hyvinvointia. Sijoittajien varainhoitajana ja johtavana teknisten finanssiratkaisujen tarjoajana teemme sijoittamisesta yhä helpompaa ja edullisempaa ja autamme näin miljoonia ihmisiä kerryttämään säästöjä, joista he hyötyvät koko elämänsä ajan. Lisätietoja


BlackRock Real Assets

Maailman dynaamisilla ja monitahoisilla sijoitusmarkkinoilla BlackRock Real Assets auttaa asiakkaita sijoittamaan reaaliomaisuuteen, mikä voi auttaa heitä saavuttamaan sijoitustavoitteensa. Tarjoamme asiakkaille kattavan valikoiman huolella määritettyjä tuottohakuisia strategioita koko riski-tuottoskaalalta.

BlackRock Real Assetsin eri toimialoihin erikoistuneista asiantuntijoista koostuvat tiimimme sijoittavat globaalisti ja tuntevat paikalliset markkinat syvällisesti. Tiimeillä on vuosikymmenten kokemus, ne tuntevat tarkkaan eri toimialat ja maantieteelliset alueet ja ovat luoneet vahvat yhteistyöverkot vuosien saatossa. BlackRockin riskienhallintakulttuuri, tiedon jakaminen ja sijoitusmetodit erottavat BlackRock Real Assetsin muista ja tukevat heidän kaikkea toimintaa.

BlackRock Real Assetsissa työskentelee yli 390 ammattilaista 30 toimistossa. Se hallinnoi yli 60 miljardin dollarin asiakasvaroja (30.12.2020). BlackRock Real Assets toimii asiakkaidensa kumppanina ja tarjoaa kunkin salkun tarpeisiin räätälöityjä ratkaisuja, jotka kootaan muun muassa tulo-, kasvu-, likviditeettitavoitteiden mukaan.


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BlackRock Real Assets Achieves a US$4.8 Billion Final Close for

Global Renewable Power Fund III 

  • Third vintage of flagship renewable power fund is largest yet, significantly exceeding the initial target
  • Global Renewable Power Fund III becomes largest independent climate infrastructure fund globally[1]

LONDON – April 8, 2021 – BlackRock Real Assets has successfully achieved a US$4.8 billion final close of Global Renewable Power Fund III (“GRP III” or the “Fund”) with commitments from over 100 institutional investors, including leading public and private pension funds, insurance companies, endowments, foundations and family offices from over 18 countries globally.

GRP III is the third vintage of BlackRock’s Global Renewable Power fund series and the fifth Fund overall, which invests in global climate infrastructure assets, primarily in renewable power generation, across Americas, Europe and Asia. GRP III seeks to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns with positive and measurable environmental and social impact by investing across the spectrum of renewable power and supporting infrastructure globally, including energy storage, distribution and electrified transport. Its opportunity set reflects the evolving renewable energy market as well as investors’ growing interest in investments that support the transition to a low carbon economy.

The Fund has actively begun investing capital and to date has already completed three investments in Europe, Asia, and North America. These investments include onshore wind in Europe, solar in Asia, and distributed solar generation in the U.S., with each project playing a vital role in the region’s road to net zero. GRP III follows GRP I, a 2012 vintage, and GRP II, a 2016 vintage, both of which are fully invested.

David Giordano, Global Head of BlackRock Renewable Power, commented, “We are delighted with the success of this fundraise, which is a testament to the strong global demand for renewable power assets and to our team’s ability to build resilient portfolios that help clients meet their financial and sustainability objectives. By sourcing, building, and optimizing assets throughout their lifecycle, we believe that renewable power has the potential to generate attractive risk adjusted returns and stable cash yields for investors with low correlation to the economic cycle.”

Jim Barry, Chief Investment Officer of BlackRock Alternative Investors and Global Head of BlackRock Real Assets, commented, “GRP III invests in the sustainable infrastructure of the future. As the world strives toward net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the transition will have dramatic impacts not only for public equities but for private markets as well, creating significant opportunities for front-footed investors. BlackRock is committed to growing its sustainable private market offerings across asset classes, including climate infrastructure.”

BlackRock’s Global Renewable Power platform has invested in over 250 wind and solar projects across 13 countries in 4 continents. The Global Renewable Power team consists of 54 professionals, with an average of 20 years of investment and technical expertise. The team manages over US$9 billion of client capital, with an emphasis on globally diversified portfolios, measurable climate impact and differentiated sourcing.

BlackRock’s investment conviction is that integrating sustainability can help investors build more resilient portfolios and achieve better long-term, risk-adjusted returns. The GRP III fund has achieved the highest article 9 rating in line with the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation[2]. As a fiduciary, BlackRock is committed to helping clients navigate the transition to a net zero world, in which the economy emits no more carbon dioxide than it removes from the atmosphere. As part of that commitment, BlackRock’s goal is to offer clients a full set of climate-oriented investment options across asset classes and geographies, including strategies that seek out new opportunities in climate innovation.

Media Contacts

Venetia Hendy
+44 777 649 6563

Christopher Beattie
+1 646 231-8518

About BlackRock 

BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, we help millions of people build savings that serve them throughout their lives by making investing easier and more affordable. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit


About BlackRock Real Assets 

In today’s dynamic and complex global investing market, BlackRock Real Assets seeks to help clients access real assets that could help meet their investment goals by providing a distinct range of well defined, outcome orientated strategies, along the investment risk-return spectrum.  

BlackRock Real Assets’ dedicated teams of industry and sector specialists deliver global reach, with deep local expertise. They have decades of relevant experience, are deeply embedded in their operating industries by sector and geography and have developed strong partnership networks over time. BlackRock’s culture of risk management, knowledge sharing and investment discipline sets BlackRock Real Assets apart and underpins all that they do. With over 390 professionals in 30 offices managing over US$60 billion in client commitments as of December 31, 2020, BlackRock Real Assets partners with clients to provide solutions tailored to individual portfolio needs such as income, growth, liquid or balanced real assets outcomes.


Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy. Changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of investments to diminish or increase. Fluctuation may be particularly marked in the case of a higher volatility fund and the value of an investment may fall suddenly and substantially. Levels and basis of taxation may change from time to time. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.

Infrastructure Funds. Infrastructure Funds invest exclusively or almost exclusively in equity or debt, or equity or debt related instruments, linked to infrastructure assets. Therefore, in addition to risks associated with investment in such equity or debt instrument, the performance of an Infrastructure Fund may be materially and adversely affected by risks associated with the related infrastructure assets including construction and operator risks, environmental risks, legal and regulatory risks; political or social instability; governmental and regional political risks; sector specific risks; interest rate changes; currency risks; and other risks and factors which may or will impact infrastructure and as a result may substantially affect a

fund’s aggregate return. Investments in Infrastructure assets are typically illiquid and investors seeking to redeem their holdings in an Infrastructure Fund can experience significant delays and fluctuations in value.

Liquidity Risk. The Fund’s investments may have low liquidity which often causes the value of these investments to be less predictable. In extreme cases, the Fund may not be able to realise the investment at the latest market price or at a price considered fair.

Valuation risk. The Fund will be exposed to securities and other assets that will not have readily assessable market values. The valuation of such securities and other assets is inherently subjective and subject to increased risk that the information utilised to value such assets or to create the price models may be inaccurate or subject to other error. Due to a wide variety of market factors and the nature of the securities and assets to which the Fund will be exposed, there is no guarantee that any value determined will represent the value that will be realised on the eventual disposition of the Fund’s investments or that would, in fact, be realised upon an immediate disposition of such investment.

Lack of available investments. The Fund will be competing for exposure to investments in a highly competitive market, against other funds, as well as individuals, financial institutions, strategic players and other investors, some of which may have greater resources than the Investment Manager. There can be no assurance that the Fund will be able to locate, attain and exit investments that satisfy its investment objectives, or that the Fund will be able to fully invest its committed capital.

Redemption risk. The Fund’s investments are generally illiquid and therefore an investment in the Fund is intended for long-term investors able to accept the risks associated with an illiquid investment and who are able to commit their funds for the duration of the Fund Redemptions, to the extent they are permitted, may be limited, postponed or altogether suspended in certain circumstances.

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For Investors in Singapore, this information is issued by BlackRock (Singapore) Limited (company registration number: 200010143N) for use only by institutional investors as defined in Section 4A of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore and should not be relied upon by or redistributed to any other persons in Singapore. The fund mentioned herein have not been registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore for offering or distribution in Singapore. Accordingly, this information may not be circulated or distributed, nor may the funds be offered or sold whether directly or indirectly, to any person in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor pursuant to Section 304 of the Securities and Futures Act ("SFA") or (ii) otherwise pursuant to and in accordance with the conditions of any other applicable provision of the SFA. This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

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This material may include references to funds that are not registered for public distribution in Australia. Any such funds will be subject to the laws and regulations as required by their country of domicile and registration which may differ from those in Australia and therefore may not necessarily provide the same level of protection to investors as schemes registered in Australia and subject to Australian regulations and conditions.

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Any investment is subject to investment risk, including delays on the payment of withdrawal proceeds and the loss of income or the principal invested. While any forecasts, estimates and opinions in this material are made on a reasonable basis, actual future results and operations may differ materially from the forecasts, estimates and opinions set out in this material. No guarantee as to the repayment of capital or the performance of any product or rate of return referred to in this material is made by BIMAL or any entity in the BlackRock group of companies.

No part of this material may be reproduced or distributed in any manner without the prior written permission of BIMAL.

In Australia & New Zealand, issued by BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited ABN 13 006 165 975, AFSL 230 523 (BIMAL) for the exclusive use of the recipient, who warrants by receipt of this material that they are a wholesale client as defined under the Australian Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the New Zealand Financial Advisers Act 2008 respectively.

This material provides general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation, needs or circumstances. Before making any investment decision, you should therefore assess whether the material is appropriate for you and obtain financial advice tailored to you having regard to your individual objectives, financial situation, needs and circumstances. This material is not a financial product recommendation or an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any financial product in any jurisdiction.

This material is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. BIMAL is a part of the global BlackRock Group which comprises of financial product issuers and investment managers around the world. BIMAL is the issuer of financial products and acts as an investment manager in Australia. BIMAL does not offer financial products to persons in New Zealand who are retail investors (as that term is defined in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMCA)). This material does not constitute or relate to such an offer. To the extent that this material does constitute or relate to such an offer of financial products, the offer is only made to, and capable of acceptance by, persons in New Zealand who are wholesale investors (as that term is defined in the FMCA).

This material may include references to funds that are not registered for public distribution in Australia. Any such funds will be subject to the laws and regulations as required by their country of domicile and registration which may differ from those in Australia and therefore may not necessarily provide the same level of protection to investors as schemes registered in Australia and subject to Australian regulations and conditions.

This material has not been prepared specifically for Australian or New Zealand investors. It may contain references to dollar amounts which are not Australian or New Zealand dollars and may contain financial information which is not prepared in accordance with Australian or New Zealand law or practices. The fund(s) detailed in this material may not be registered for public distribution in Australia. The laws and regulations of any such fund’s country of domicile and registration may differ from those in Australia and therefore may not necessarily provide the same level of protection to investors as schemes registered in Australia and subject to Australian regulations and conditions.

BIMAL, its officers, employees and agents believe that the information in this material and the sources on which it is based (which may be sourced from third parties) are correct as at the date of publication. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility for the information is accepted by BIMAL, its officers, employees or agents. Except where contrary to law, BIMAL excludes all liability for this information.

Any investment is subject to investment risk, including delays on the payment of withdrawal proceeds and the loss of income or the principal invested. While any forecasts, estimates and opinions in this material are made on a reasonable basis, actual future results and operations may differ materially from the forecasts, estimates and opinions set out in this material. No guarantee as to the repayment of capital or the performance of any product or rate of return referred to in this material is made by BIMAL or any entity in the BlackRock group of companies.

No part of this material may be reproduced or distributed in any manner without the prior written permission of BIMAL.

[1] Source: BlackRock March 2021. Size in terms of AUM

[2]In order to be classified under Article 9, BlackRock’s investment products must meet the following criteria:

• Strategy must target Sustainable Investments and clearly disclose this in the product’s investment objective and policies.
• All holdings must comply with our Do No Significant Harm criteria.
• All holdings must comply with our Good Governance standards.




Viestintätoimisto Cocomms
Anna-Mari Tiilikainen, puh. 050 558 0888, anna-mari.tiilikainen(at)


BlackRock Real Assets GRP III - Solar (floating) Taiwan
BlackRock Real Assets GRP III - Solar (floating) Taiwan

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BlackRockin tarkoituksena on auttaa yhä useampia ihmisiä saavuttamaan taloudellista hyvinvointia. Sijoittajien varainhoitajana ja johtavana teknisten finanssiratkaisujen tarjoajana teemme sijoittamisesta yhä helpompaa ja edullisempaa ja autamme näin miljoonia ihmisiä kerryttämään säästöjä, joista he hyötyvät koko elämänsä ajan. Lisätietoja









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Kiertotalous huomion kohteeksi koronapandemian aikana: neljä toimialaa vie kiertotaloutta eteenpäin vuonna 20218.3.2021 11:07:40 EET | Tiedote

BlackRockin toisen kerran koostetussa kiertotalousraportissa kerrotaan, kuinka koronapandemia uhkasi hidastaa maailman vastuullisuuden kehittymistä. Kiertotalouteen siirtyminen sai kuitenkin lisäpontta lisääntyvän sääntelyn, vastuullisia valintoja suosivan kuluttajakäyttäytymisen lisääntymisen sekä yritysten tekemien kiertotalouskäytäntöjen ansiosta. BlackRockin raportti nostaa esiin neljää toimialaa, joilta sijoittajien kannattaa etsiä kasvumahdollisuuksia.

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