Palvelukeskus HelsinkiPalvelukeskus Helsinki

Palvelukeskus Helsinki will offer its clients 4,500 kg of herring and bream on Baltic Sea Day

On Baltic Sea Day on 25 August, Palvelukeskus Helsinki will offer its clients herring and bream in the form of Baltic Sea fish burgers and fish steaks. A total of 75,000 Helsinki residents will get to enjoy the fruits of the Baltic Sea in the course of the day, and up to 4,500 kilogrammes of Baltic Sea fish will be consumed that day.

Schools, educational institutions and health care staff restaurants will serve Baltic Sea fish burgers with side dishes, whilst day-care centres and patients and residents get to enjoy fish steaks, half of which are bream and the other half herring. Home care clients have also had the possibility of choosing fish steaks as a meal option during the Baltic Sea Week. All client groups enjoy the Baltic Sea fish, although the preferences of different age groups vary to some extent.

“All client groups, from toddlers to seniors, love fish loaf meals. These include fish steaks on Baltic Sea Day, rye herring loaf steaks, fish balls with perch and rainbow trout, fish balls with bream and smoked roach as well as bream steaks. Seniors are particularly fond of more traditional fish dishes, such as breaded herring steaks. Schoolchildren, for their part, are fond of bream sticks,” says Petteri Hautamaa, a designer working with the recipes at Palvelukeskus Helsinki.

Altogether, almost 30,000 kg of Baltic Sea fish are consumed in the meal services of the Palvelukeskus Helsnki each year. Most of the Baltic Sea fish used in the meal services is bream and herring, i.e. the fish burger ingredients, but the lists also include perch, whitefish and roach. In addition to Baltic Sea fish, the meal services also use sustainably caught Finnish lake fish and farmed Finnish fish, mainly rainbow trout. In addition, all foreign fish products used by Palvelukeskus Helsinki are MSC-certified. Where possible, foods containing foreign fish are gradually being replaced by domestic alternatives.

“An important change in recent years has been to replace foreign saithe using Finnish fish stocks in the case of fish loaf dishes. In addition, some fish dishes, such as almond fish made from saithe, have been replaced by Finnish alternatives on the school menu, such as rye herring loaf steak or fish balls with perch and rainbow trout.” says Hautamaa.

More information:

Palvelukeskus Helsinki, Multiservices, Production Planning and Control
Eeva Lappalainen, Development Manager, tel, 050 574 0296

Palvelukeskus Helsinki is a municipal enterprise owned by the City of Helsinki. We work as a partner in City of Helsinki schools and day-care centres, in-home care, senior centres, housing units and hospitals. We offer 100,000 meals in Helsinki every day and also provide cleaning services. We support living at home with a wide range of remote care and well-being solutions and produce telephone services. We have 1,600 skilled professionals with whom we take care of the basic services of Helsinki residents.

Baltic Sea Day, implemented by the John Nurminen Foundation, is celebrated annually to honour the Baltic Sea. The goal is to inspire people to enjoy our unique sea and do things to protect it.




About Palvelukeskus Helsinki

Palvelukeskus Helsinki
Palvelukeskus Helsinki
Elimäenkatu 15/Pakkalantie 30

Palvelukeskus Helsinki on Helsingin kaupungin liikelaitos. Toimimme kumppanina Helsingin kaupungin kouluissa ja päiväkodeissa, kotihoidossa, seniorikeskuksissa, asumisyksiköissä sekä sairaaloissa. Olemme mukana 100 000 helsinkiläisessä ruokailuhetkessä päivittäin ja hoidamme puhtauspalveluja. Tuemme kotona asumista monipuolisilla etähoito- ja hyvinvointiratkaisuilla ja tuotamme puhelinpalveluja. Meillä on 1600 osaavan ammattilaista, joiden voimin pidämme huolta helsinkiläisten peruspalveluista.

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