
Dalia Stasevska conducts support concert to build the future of art in Ukraine


The concert, titled "Let there be light" and born from Stasevska's idea, is a concrete act in favor of the future of Ukrainian music education, heavily affected by the war. It will take place in Musiikkitalo (Helsinki Music Centre) on April 6, 2024. Members of the media have the opportunity to meet Stasevska and attend rehearsals on April 3, 2024.

In the support concert, 33 Ukrainian music students, forced to leave their country due to war, will perform side by side with the Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra. 

The concert will feature Ukrainian composer Bohdana Frolyak's piece Let There Be Light, Jean Sibelius's Violin Concerto with soloist Elina Vähälä, Myroslav Skoryk's Melodia, and Uuno Klami's Kalevala Suite. Melodia holds a similar significance to Ukrainians as Sibelius’ Finlandia does to Finns. 

Proceeds from the concert will go directly to benefit Ukrainian music education. The European association of conservatories and music academies (AEC) organises the support as part of the AEC Supports Ukraine campaign.

From inspiration to action – music fosters hope for reconstruction

Dalia Stasevska, a graduate of the Sibelius Academy in 2012, was chosen as the University of the Arts Helsinki's Alumni of the Year 2022, and the concert is her alumni act for the University of the Arts Helsinki. Stasevska has visited Ukraine several times since the war began and has been impressed by the power of art and music in a country at war. 

Through collaboration, Stasevska aims to support young Ukrainian music students amidst the prolonged conflict and create connections for the country's reconstruction. By performing Ukrainian music, she also wants to raise awareness of the country's long-oppressed culture and identity worldwide. 

"Since the Russian invasion in 2014, Ukraine has become a matter close to my heart. In my career, I am in a position where I can genuinely help and do things for the country's good, and as an artist, I naturally want to use the opportunity granted to me to help Ukrainians and make Ukrainian music known. Ukrainians are fighting concretely for the preservation of their culture, and I feel that one of the most important forms of support is to perform Ukrainian music and show that we care," says Stasevska.

Supporting the "Ukrainian miracle" through music and culture

Music education in Ukraine continues under challenging circumstances. The Ukrainian Youth Orchestra (YsOU) launched an evacuation project for young Ukrainian musicians together with the Slovenian Youth Orchestra when the war begun. The University of the Arts Helsinki, as part of the European In-Tune university alliance, is committed to supporting Ukrainian music education in reconstruction efforts. Relationships established with Ukrainian colleagues are important during the crisis and will also carry into the post-war period. 

"In the early 20th century, music played an important role in building Finland's independence and national identity. Ukrainians are now in a similar situation. Experiencing music together helps audiences and students come together for an important cause and supports resilience. In this global situation, it is also important for our students to be able to act positively and constructively," says Emilie Gardberg, Dean of the Sibelius Academy. 

The concert is organized by the University of the Arts Helsinki's Sibelius Academy. It is supported by Musiikkitalo (Helsinki Music Centre), the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Konstsamfundet, the Sibelius Academy Support Foundation, and the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation. 

Press Meeting on April 3, 2024 

Interested media representatives can follow the orchestra rehearsals led by Stasevska in Musiikkitalo Rehearsal Hall Paavo (Mannerheimimintie 13 A) on Wednesday April 3 at 12:30 PM. Then they are welcomed to meet Dalia Stasevska, Emilie Gardberg, Dean of the Sibelius Academy, and other participants in the project from at 1 PM on. 

Please notify us of your arrival in advance via email to karoliina.pirkkanen@uniarts.fi

Let there be light
Support concert for Ukraine on April 6, 2024, at 7 PM 

Musiikkitalo (Helsinki Music Centre) Concert Hall
Mannerheimintie 13 A, 00100 Helsinki

Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra & Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
Dalia Stasevska, conductor
Elina Vähälä, violin 

Frolyak – Sibelius – Skoryk – Klami 

Tickets €11.50–€34 (Ticketmaster). Proceeds from the concert will go directly to support music education in Ukraine. When purchasing tickets, you can also choose to donate an additional amount of your choice. 



Media contacts and registrations for the press meeting: 
Communications Planner Karoliina Pirkkanen 
University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy 

For further information: 
Orchestra Manager Nina Lackman 
University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy 


The University of the Arts Helsinki provides the highest level of education in music, fine arts, performing arts, and writing in Finland. It is an international pioneer in arts education and research, strengthening art as a transformative force in society. Established in 2013, the University of the Arts Helsinki consists of the Academy of Fine Arts, the Sibelius Academy, and the Theatre Academy.


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