Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad

Walk Around wins Leppävaara idea competition


The jury has now selected the winner of the Leppävaara idea competition organised by the City of Espoo. The winning entry is Walk Around by the construction company YIT, architecture company Arco, and engineering and consultancy company  Ramboll.

Aerial view showing apartment buildings, trees and green roofs in the foreground and the more densely built-up central area in the background.
In the winning entry, the central area is compact and efficient, but the block structure becomes lighter towards Gransinmäki, located in the foreground. Arco

The aim of the competition was to find an overall plan for the area north of the railway tracks – one that is of high quality in terms of architecture, urban structure and functionality and increases the recognisability and attractiveness of the area. The plan will steer detailed planning and multi-phase construction in the area over the next 10–20 years. 

“Walk Around best met the aim of the competition to build a functionally diverse urban centre where services, housing, jobs, events and recreational opportunities form new and diverse urban structures,” says Olli Isotalo, Espoo’s Deputy Mayor for Urban Environment. 

“The plan is ambitious, but the individual buildings and blocks seem realistic and feasible. The central area is compact and efficient, but the block structure becomes lighter and more diverse towards Gransinmäki,” says Mika Rantala, Project Director for Leppävaara. 

Deck structure over the tracks connects southern and northern sides 

The mobility and transport solutions presented in the winning entry are in many respects functional and well-thought-out, but some of the complex transport solutions require more comprehensive examination. The urban centre relies on public transport, walking and cycling. 

The northern and southern sides of the tracks are connected by a deck structure over Turuntie and buildings to be constructed on the deck. According to the plan, residential and workplace blocks would be built on the deck and on the northern side of the tracks. The central block extending across the tracks and Turuntie helps create an integrated Leppävaara area. Commercial premises are mostly located in the area between Sello and Läkkitori. 

Alongside the architectural competition, the City of Espoo looked for parties to implement the plans for the competition area through a separate planning reservation application process, which merged into the idea competition during the second phase. The results of the idea competition will be used as selection criteria when deciding on the reservations. The decision on the planning reservations will be made by the Business and Competitiveness Subcommittee of the City Board. 

The winner received the most likes 

The international two-phase idea competition was organised by the City of Espoo in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA). The first phase of the competition was an open architectural competition. For the second phase of the competition, the jury selected the five best and most potential entries, which were then further processed into feasible plans for the urban centre. 

“The competition format that combines an open architectural competition with a planning reservation process was good and successful,” Rantala says. 

During both phases, the competition entries were available online for everyone to like and comment on. A total of 3,500 reactions were received during both phases. The entries were also presented at separate public events in both phases of the competition. The winning entry received the most likes in the second phase. 




Aerial view showing apartment buildings, trees and green roofs in the foreground and the more densely built-up central area in the background.
In the winning entry, the central area is compact and efficient, but the block structure becomes lighter towards Gransinmäki, located in the foreground.
Aerial view showing the railway tracks in the middle and both existing and planned buildings on their right side. There is also a building above the tracks.
One of the aims of the competition was to connect the southern and northern sides of the railway station into an integrated area in terms of cityscape and functionality.
Illustration of buildings and people walking on a square reserved for pedestrians.
In the winning entry, the urban centre relies on public transport, walking and cycling.


A networked Espoo comprising five city centres will be a pioneering responsible and
humane city that is a good place to live, learn, work and do business in and where residents can have their say in matters.



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