Helsingin kaupunki, kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala

The city of Helsinki invests in Malmi's summer program offering – the free city festival offers a record number of events


In June and August, the city festival Malmi Summer of Events will bring Ala-Malmi Park to life with free-of-charge open air concerts, workshops and other summertime activities. The stage will be taken by artists such as Stig, Arppa, Freeman and Mimmit. Malmi Summer of Events is organised by Helsinki Cultural Centre Malmitalo. The event has been planned with residents’ wishes in mind, and a large proportion of the programme is based on ideas submitted by local residents.

Paleface performed at Malmi Summer of Events in 2023. This year, the city festival will spread to Ala-Malmi park for the third time.
Paleface performed at Malmi Summer of Events in 2023. This year, the city festival will spread to Ala-Malmi park for the third time. Kirsi Tähjä / Helsinki

Malmi Summer of Events will provide diverse free-of-charge events ranging from concerts by top artists to Dancing in the City sessions and from street art to circus performances. The event will also feature an ‘Under the Malmi Sky’ community dinner on Helsinki Day. The Summer of Events will spread over Ala-Malmi Park next to Malmitalo from 6 to 15 June and from 15 to 24 August.

The highlight of Malmi Summer of Events is its numerous artists. The event week will feature live shows by artists such as Stig, known for hit songs; the hugely popular Arppa; the beloved children’s band Pikku Papun orkesteri; the hottest name in trap music, DAVI; dreampop favourites Sepikka and Pambikallio; veteran punk band Terveet Kädet; and the US-based group Stuart, Spence & Shebish, who play rootsy old-time music.

The City of Helsinki is investing in the summertime programme selection of Malmi to enliven the area and make Ala-Malmi Park even more attractive to people.

“It was important to us to tailor the overall programme of the Summer of Events to the sensibilities of its attendees. We were able to collect plenty of programme suggestions for the summer from local residents,” comments Summer of Events producer Sonja Immonen. More than half of the programme was created based on residents’ ideas and wishes. Ideas were collected on social media and from customers of Malmitalo.

“In addition to music, people wished for communal activities, so-called blanket flea markets, open air dance events, activities for families, workshops and art attractions. We picked the most popular and best of these wishes and are now realising them in the Summer of Events. Our aim is for the programme to really offer something for everyone,” Immonen concludes.

The workshops will provide activities such as drawing and arts and crafts, making street art, practising making giant soap bubbles and recycling. Those looking for physical activity can attend park gymnastics sessions and give Dancing in the City sessions a try. For young people, the programme features activities such as escape room games, swearing art, and song and comic workshops. For those interested in the history of Helsinki, the programme features guided walking and cycling trips that delve into the evolution of Malmi from a medieval rural village into a major city district that keeps renewing itself.

The entire programme of Malmi Summer of Events will be published on the Malmitalo website: Malmi Summer of Events programme.



Helsinki’s cultural centres

Helsinki’s cultural centres Annantalo, Caisa, Kanneltalo, Malmitalo, Maunula House, Stoa and Vuosaari House provide residents with cultural events, performances, exhibitions, courses and art education.

Maunula House
Vuosaari House

The Culture and Leisure Division is divided into four departments, namely the Library, Culture, Sports, and Youth Departments, as well as the Administration. Read more.

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