Finavia Oyj

The renovation of Helsinki Airport's runway 3 to be completed on 12 June


The renovation work started by Finavia in April 2024 according to the maintenance plan for runway 3 will be completed on schedule on 12 June 2024. At the same time, the take-off and landing directions of aircraft will go back to normal.

Runway 3 at Helsinki Airport.
Runway 3 at Helsinki Airport. Finavia Corp.

"We have completed the renovation of runway 3 on schedule and according to the maintenance plan. Runways are subjected to enormous loads and their structures must be of the highest quality. Regular repairs ensure safe and smooth air traffic,” says Finavia’s Vice President Jani Elasmaa, who is responsible for Helsinki Airport’s apron and runway operations. 

Renovation work on Helsinki Airport's runway 3 started on 15 April 2024. The renovation also included surface repairs of taxiways leading to the runway and other renovation work done during the runway closure, in particular on lighting systems. 

During the renovation work, it was not possible to land on runway 3, which meant that aircraft take-off and landing directions were different from normal. Helsinki Airport's runways 1 (04R/22L) and 2 (15/33) were in normal use during the renovation work, and landings were primarily made on runway 2 from the northwest and runway 1 from the northeast. Departing flights followed the same directions as they would have departed in if taking off from runway 3. 

After the completion of the work, the take-off and landing directions of aircraft will go back to normal on 12 June 2024. 

“The regular repairs of runways are an important part of the lifecycle management of Helsinki Airport’s infrastructure. After the renovation work has been completed, runway 3 will once again serve the busy summer holiday travel at Helsinki Airport," says Vice President Elasmaa. 

Images for the media 




Runway 3 at Helsinki Airport.
Runway 3 at Helsinki Airport.
Helsinki Airport.
Helsinki Airport.

Information about Finavia

The airport company Finavia manages and develops 20 airports in Finland. Smooth and high-quality services for airlines and passengers are at the heart of our business. We develop connectivity and good flight connections. We are committed to acting responsibly to promote sustainable air travel. In 2023, Finavia Group’s turnover amounted to EUR 360 million and it had 2,540 employees.

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