Eyes can also burn in the sun – physician’s advice on choosing sunglasses to protect your eyes
Protecting your eyes from the sun is important because, like your skin, your eyes can also get sunburned. Pekko Hujanen, ophthalmologist at Mehiläinen, explains how excessive sun UV radiation affects the structures of the eye and how eyes can be protected in the summer sun.
Few people think that eyes can also get sunburned. This is why it is particularly important to protect your eyes in certain situations. Solar UV radiation can also have long-term effects on eye health.
– Excessive UV radiation from the sun can adversely affect the structure of the eye, because it increases the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. However, the effect on the latitudes of Finland is smaller than on the equator, says Pekko Hujanen, ophthalmologist at Mehiläinen.
The easiest way to protect eyes from the sun is to wear high-quality sunglasses and a cap or a wide-brimmed hat. If the sun is really bright, sunglasses should be worn even in the shade. In addition to the eyes, the sun also has an ageing effect on the skin of the face and eyelids. Excessive and repeated UV exposure increases the risk of various skin cancers, which is why it is also important to protect the skin.
Can your eyes burn in the sun?
If the UV exposure is very high, such as when in sunny weather on water or skiing on spring snow, bright light reflected around the eye surface can cause damage to the cornea, i.e. snow blindness. When you use sunglasses that filter UV radiation, you protect your eyes from burns.
If you notice pain, redness and photosensitivity in your eyes after a sunny day, it may be caused by damage to the corneal surface due to intense UV radiation. You can relieve the symptoms with moisturiser gels available from pharmacies, and by keeping your eyes closed.
– If the symptoms persist until the next day, you should seek an assessment from an ophthalmologist or general practitioner, Hujanen says.
What are good sunglasses?
If you spend time in bright sunlight, such as on the beach or on a boat, it is advisable to choose sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV radiation both from the front and the sides of your eyes. Polarised lenses help you see underwater and also reduce reflections, such as on wet road surfaces.
– Good sunglasses have high-quality lenses and are comfortable to wear. It is also possible to get lenses for sunglasses from opticians’ stores with your own prescriptions, Hujanen concludes.
Physician’s tips for choosing good sunglasses – consider the following points:
- Are sunglasses comfortable and do they stay in place?
- Do sunglasses provide adequate eye protection?
- Do they have a UV 100% or UV 400 marking?
- Are sunglasses suitable for the intended use, such as sports or boating?
- Are lenses of high optical quality?
The article includes interviews with Mehiläinen's ophthalmologists Petri Usmi and Pekko Hujanen.
For further information, please contact:
- Mehiläinen, Pekko Hujanen, ophthalmologist
- Contact via Mehiläinen Communications: salla.tahtinen@mehilainen.fi, tel. +358 50 554 3832
Mehiläinen Group is a well-known and highly valued private provider of social and healthcare services, offering comprehensive high-quality services in Finland and internationally. 114-year-old Mehiläinen is a rapidly developing and growing leader in the industry. Mehiläinen invests in the possibilities of digitalisation and the effectiveness and quality of care in all its business areas.
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