
Now possible to order new benefit guides


Kela has published the 2024 edition of its benefit guides, which explain the Finnish social welfare system in a concise and clear way.

A collection of the covers of Kela's benefit guides in English

Kela’s benefits have undergone numerous changes this year, which will impact customers’ lives. Customers can find up-to-date information about Kela’s benefits on the website in Finnish, Swedish, English, Sami and sign language.

At the same we understand that not all of our customers are online. Printed brochures with content that is easy to read and to the point can be a better alternative for many to better understand the entitlement criteria and application processes for Kela benefits.

The guides describe the different types of benefits that are suitable for various life situations. There are a total of nine brochures, and the types of benefit have been grouped according to Kela’s benefit categories. A brochure dedicated to the types of support available during rehabilitation has been added to the collection this year.

The content has been updated to include the new amounts of benefits and all other changes introduced in 2024. The PDF versions of the brochures are available online: in Finnish, Swedish, English and Sami.

The guides are especially useful for those who have recently moved to Finland and who cannot speak Finnish or Swedish yet. It is crucial to have access to information material in a familiar language during the initial stages of integrating into a new country. Once the customers are advanced enough in their language learning, we also encourage them to familiarize themselves with Kela’s website and brochures in Easy Finnish and Swedish.

For the first time this year, the English versions of the brochures feature a vocabulary section with key terms and phrases related to each type of benefit translated into Finnish and Swedish. The idea behind this addition is to support the integration of those who move to Finland and help them become familiar with the social security vocabulary in Finnish and Swedish as well.

Place your order with Kela

The benefit guides are available at Kela’s customer service points. Partner organisations can order them (free of charge) via email from Kela at The minimum order is 10 copies per brochure.

Read more

Kela’s benefit guides in English:



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