EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art

INVITATION for media: Press event for Ulla Wiggen's exhibition Passage on Tuesday, 17 September, at 10 am at EMMA


Swedish painter Ulla Wiggen's exhibition Passage marks the beginning of the autumn exhibition programme at EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art. We invite you to attend the media briefing to explore the exhibition!

Ulla Wiggen, Iris XXVIII Jan, 2023. Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection
Ulla Wiggen, Iris XXVIII Jan, 2023. Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection © Ari Karttunen / EMMA

The media briefing will take place on-site at EMMA on Tuesday, 17 September at 10 am. Media representatives are welcome to view the exhibition from 9:30 am onwards. The event will be held in Swedish and Finnish.

During the media briefing, the exhibition's curator, EMMA's curator Pernilla Wiik, will interview artist Ulla Wiggen. EMMA's Executive Director, Pilvi Kalhama, will also speak at the event.

"Ulla Wiggen's approach to her subjects, whether electronic devices or the iris of an eye, reveals a deep curiosity to understand both the human being and the surrounding world," describes EMMA's Curator Pernilla Wiik. "It's fascinating how Wiggen manages to capture both the complexity and beauty of her subjects in her paintings."

For further inquiries, interview requests, and RSVPs, please contact EMMA's chief marketing communications specialist Iris Suomi at iris.suomi@emmamuseum.fi by Friday, 13 September.

Ulla Wiggen © Ari Karttunen / EMMA

Ulla Wiggen: Passage 18.9.2024–26.1.2025

EMMA is proud to present the first extensive solo exhibition in Finland by the award-winning Swedish painter Ulla Wiggen (b. 1942). The artist is renowned for her paintings depicting electronics and human beings, both inside and out. She meticulously explores her subjects, drawing inspiration from visually interesting electronic components, x-rays and anatomical diagrams. The exhibition at EMMA, comprising nearly 50 works, includes Wiggen's paintings of electronic devices, portraits, human anatomy, and more recently, the irises of eyes, which she has painted in recent years. The exhibition's title, Passage, reflects the transitions between the internal and external worlds of humans as depicted in Wiggen's paintings, as well as the various stages of the artist's long career.

The Passage exhibition is produced in collaboration with the Fridericianum in Kassel, Germany, and Västerås Art Museum, Sweden, and supported by the Swedish Embassy in Helsinki.




Ulla Wiggen, Iris XXVIII Jan, 2023. Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection
Ulla Wiggen, Iris XXVIII Jan, 2023. Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection
© Ari Karttunen / EMMA


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