DNA has launched the new Android TV device, the DNA TV-hubi

DNA TV-hubi (photo 1)
DNA TV-hubi (photo 1)

DNA’s open ecosystem Android TV hub, DNA TV-hubi, is now available. The device combines a set-top box, Chromecast built-in and a smart phone-style app store for TVs. DNA TV-hubi enables you to watch TV and use online applications, play games and listen to music via one easy-to-use system.

DNA TV-hubi uses the Android TV operating system, so Katsomo, Yle Areena and Ruutu, the apps of the three major TV channels in Finland, are available on the system, as well as YouTube and Deezer and a wide range of games and other apps. Netflix will also become available for the device soon. DNA TV-hubi includes Chromecast built-in, which enables you to easily mirror contents from your smart phone or tablet to your TV. You can download applications for DNA TV-hubi from the Google Play app store.

DNA's wide range of TV channels is also naturally available for DNA TV-hubi. DNA's channel package and programme library offerings include a wide range of entertainment and sports, with a continuously growing offering in high-definition. DNA TV-hubi enables you to watch DNA’s pay-TV offering via terrestrial, cable and IPTV distribution.

Thanks to the Android TV OS and the open app store, the range of services can be increased and new features quickly developed for the device.

More and a wider range of TV contents watched

DNA carried out a survey in the spring regarding the digital way of life. The survey revealed that the majority of Finns (57%) felt that it was important to them to be able to watch TV contents whenever they felt like it. Approximately half (46%) of respondents felt that it was important that applications available for mobile devices could also be used on the big TV screen. According to the survey, it was particularly important to find films, TV series, sportscasts and other shows, both online and on TV, easily from one location (55% of respondents, 69% of young respondents of 15 to 24 years of age).

“The pre-sales of DNA TV-hubi proved that there is a real demand for an Android TV device and a new way of watching television. We have already sold thousands of hubs in advance. People are accustomed to using apps on their phones, and DNA TV-hubi makes them easily available for television, too,” explains Mikko Saarentaus, Director at DNA Entertainment Business.

As a whole, people are watching more TV contents than before, and there is a wider range of contents on offer. In DNA’s survey, three out of ten Finns (30%) said that they had been watching more TV contents in the previous year than earlier. This was particularly true among young people (15 to 24 years of age), up to 42% of whom said they had increased their consumption. Largely, this can be attributed to the content available online.

You can use DNA TV-hubi to watch all terrestrial and DNA’s cable channels, and the device is both HD and 4K compatible. DNA TV-hubi includes two HD tuners, which enables you to simultaneously record shows onto a hard drive (purchased separately) and watch them. DNA TV-hubi enables you to watch pay-TV channels on IPTV reception via broadband even if you are outside the coverage area of the terrestrial network or DNA’s cable network. The device includes software-based encryption for pay-TV channels, which means that you will not require a separate TV card.

DNA TV-hubi is manufactured for DNA by Sagemcom.

DNA TV-hubi is available in all DNA Stores and other DNA distribution channels. You can also buy a DNA TV-hubi from Power or Gigantti stores.

DNA TV-hubi, specifications

  • TV channels on TV screen in HD via terrestrial, cable and IPTV distribution, 4K support
  • TV content via broadband connection
  • Android TV OS
  • WiFi 3x3 ac dual band (2.4/5GHz)
  • Ethernet 10/100/1000 M
  • HDMI 2.0 (up to 4096p60)
  • USB 3.0 to an external hard drive for recording shows
  • USB 2.0 to an external flash drive
  • Bluetooth 4.1, BLE support
  • 2xDVB-T2/C tuners
  • S/PDIF optical audio output
  • Built-in 8GB memory, extendable using an external USB
  • Device dimensions (WxDxH): 168x168x25mm
  • Device weight 0.53kg

DNA TV-hubi requires a broadband connection.

Android TV, Google Play logo, Google Cast and YouTube are trademarks of Google Inc.
DNA, DNA TV and DNA TV Hubi are registered trademarks of DNA Plc.

Further information:
Mikko Saarentaus, Director, Entertainment Business, DNA Plc, tel. +358 (0)44 549 0374, mikko.saarentaus@dna.fi
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 (0)44 044 8000, viestinta@dna.fi


DNA TV-hubi (photo 1)
DNA TV-hubi (photo 1)
DNA TV-hubi (photo 2)
DNA TV-hubi (photo 2)


About DNA Oyj

PL 10
01044 DNA


DNA Plc is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland's largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both cable and terrestrial networks. For DNA, the key area for growth in corporate business is the new way of working, independent of time and place, facilitated by smart terminal devices, diverse communications services and rapid connections. In 2016, DNA recorded net sales of EUR 859 million and an operating profit of EUR 91 million. DNA has more than 3.8 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland's largest retail chain selling mobile phones. DNA shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. For further information, visit www.dna.fi or follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi, @DNA_Business and @DNA_Palvelu and Facebook.

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